Host-based backup of VMware vSphere VMs.
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SureBackup job issue

Post by matteu »


My customer used surebackup and it worked perrfectly until a vsphere update.
We don't know why but we see the ressource pool used by the vLAB is not here (manual remove or vsphere update bug ? ) .

Is there a way to fix the issue without recreating the vLAB ?
I see I can't remove the ressource pool from the vLAB after his creation and if I relaunch the vlab wizard and validate it, the ressource pool is not recreated.

When the job try to register the VM, it says : "no ressource found for the ressource pool".

Andreas Neufert
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Re: SureBackup job issue

Post by Andreas Neufert »

I would try to create the resource pool manually. If this do not work then run the wizard again and select a slightly different name in the menu of the Virtual Lab wizard at the resource pool step.

In the end create a support ticket if this does not fix it.
Veeam Legend
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Re: SureBackup job issue

Post by matteu »

Recreate the ressource pool manually doesn't work.
On the log, I can see there is a ressource pool id and I guess this is why it's not working... It's based on an identifier and not the name.
It's not possible to change ressource pool name on the wizzard because it's greyed out.

OK for the case. I will ask my customer to do it.
Veeam Legend
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Re: SureBackup job issue

Post by matteu »

Ok we fond the initial issue :
When upgrade was performed, drs was disabled and ressources pools not backuped. They were removed...

I ask my customer to recreate the vlab but uncheck use ressource pool to avoir this issue happens again in the next upgrade. They don t use any other ressource pools
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