Host-based backup of VMware vSphere VMs.
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SureBackup - limit to small group of VMs

Post by SSSSSStorage »


Is it possible to limit a SureBackup job to a subgroup of VMs?

scenario: backup jobs split out into High Medium Low policies, using tags, 150VMs in each, with lots of different subnets/VLANs in use.

Due to amount of VLANs, we need several Virtual Labs (due to 9 network limitation)

If we add a our 'High' backup job into a SureBackup job, that is approximatley 150VMs across lots of VLANs, so some tasks will fail as we dont have the full amount of VLANs added, and it would take a long time , limited to 4 at a time.

Do SureBackup jobs have to be linked to a backup job? can we add in 'High' and say actually only run for these 20VMs?
then if we could do the above several times, we can set the policies to run across different Virtual Labs with the associated subnets/vlans

The only way around this I can currently see is to create additional backup policies, just for SureBackup - but this then complicates our environment quite some what.
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Re: SureBackup - limit to small group of VMs

Post by Mildur »

Hello T C

In a SureBackup Job, you cannot choose single VMs to test. You can only link backup jobs.
With a single backup job, the only workaround today is to add those machines you want to test to the application group. --> ... ml?ver=120

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Re: SureBackup - limit to small group of VMs

Post by matteu » 1 person likes this post


You neee to know application group = sequential..

I had the same issue than you but to be honest veeam need to improve this feature to be table to use it on specific environment when lots of vm are used on job with more than 9 vlan and vmware limitation
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Re: SureBackup - limit to small group of VMs

Post by SSSSSStorage »

it would be good whereby perhaps the virtual labs could be a bit more automated (much of it seems to be built this way already) perhaps you insert your VLANS and potential hosts into veeam, and it would spin up virtual labs and assign VMs against virtual labs based on VLAN assignment, during the surebackup job
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