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SureBackup - Proxy Appliance/VLANs

Post by quintero »

Hi all. I've been reading up on how to implement SureBackup and I'm a little confused with the process around installing the proxy appliance and then mapping the VLANs to the isolated lab.
We have 3 ESXi hosts in a cluster, each using a standard vSwitch. We use several VLANs - servers, printers, MGMT, etc.

When setting up the proxy appliance's default gateway IP, to what VLAN's IP do I need to set it to? The VLAN with which contain the DCs? Also, is the VLAN mapping supposed to match the VLAN numbers used in the production VLANs? I've read reports of people having issues where this can cause the production network to be impacted when running the tests.

Happy to answer any questions to clarify. Thanks in advance.
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Re: SureBackup - Proxy Appliance/VLANs

Post by skrause »

If I am understanding what you are asking correctly, the proxy appliance's default gateway is for the "external" interface of the appliance itself which you would map to whatever production VLAN you want to have the appliance live in.

Don't use the same VLAN as production. It causes all kinds of "fun" if you do. (I learned that the hard way when testing Sure Backup a few years ago)

I added a 1 to the beginning of all of my VLAN IDs when I setup the proxy appliance since all of my VLANs were only 3 digit numbers.
Steve Krause
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Re: SureBackup - Proxy Appliance/VLANs

Post by PetrM »

Hi Gareth,

In fact, setting up proxy appliance external IP settings and creation of isolated networks are different steps of Virtual Lab configuration and should be considered separately.
I'd suggest to assign to the proxy appliance an IP from the same network where backup server is located to avoid manual updates of routing table, please take
a look at this article.

At this step, proxy appliance IP in the isolated network typically coincides with the default gateway IP of the corresponding production network which is mapped to the isolated one.

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Re: SureBackup - Proxy Appliance/VLANs

Post by quintero » 1 person likes this post

Hi both. Thanks for the replies. I've now got a virtual lab up and running! Appreciate the assistance.
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