I have a veeam server 20GB memory 8 vcpu ( vmware virtual machine ) ( proxy maxtask 8 ) that, during the weekly synthetic full shows memory leak problems and does not complete the job. Therefore it cannot delete previous backups due to the fact that there is no a full backup apart the first Active full.
The backup server take care of about 100 vms, and I can see clearly a message on windows that states memory leak, and an error on veeam itself:
Code: Select all
2/5/2020 12:12:32 AM :: Agent: Failed to process method {Transform.CompileFIB}: memory no longer available. Err: 5001
Failed to read data from the file '[dd670_XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX] VEEAM_NEW:/VEEAM_BCK_XXX/XXX-YYY.vm-57D2020-01-10T220018_60FC.vib'. Offset: '0'.
Failed to open storage for read access. Storage: [dd670_XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:VEEAM_NEW@/VEEAM_BCK_XXX/XXX-YYY.vm-57D2020-01-10T220018_60FC.vib].
There is a formula I can apply to avoid this systematic error? Reducing the proxy maxtask from 8 to 6 can be an option ( I don't think so, since this is a memory issue ) or reducing the max storage repository task number can help ?
Thanks a lot for any suggestion