I had to restore several VMs and the restore terminated successfully.
However, when I try to power on the VMs I get errors like:
An error was received from the ESX host while powering on VM <My_VM_Name>.
Failed to start the virtual machine.
Cannot open the disk '<path_to_my_VMDK>.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.
The parent virtual disk has been modified since the child was created. The content ID of the parent virtual disk does not match the corresponding parent content ID in the child
Module DiskEarly power on failed.
Cannot open the disk '<path_to_my_snapshot>.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.
The parent virtual disk has been modified since the child was created. The content ID of the parent virtual disk does not match the corresponding parent content ID in the child
As the problem occurred on more VMs at the same time I need to clarify:
Is there any possible mistake in our backp procedure?
Is there any possible mistake in our restore procedure?
Is there any simple procedure to fix the error?
How can I ensure my boss that we can restore VMs from backup in case of need?
Hard to say. Please contact our Support immediately, they can help to analyse this. Depending on how important the reaction time is, set a Severity 1-3 (it is explained on the support page next to it).
I performed several attempts to restore the VMs with no success.
I solved the problem for one VM by manually editing the .vmx file and for the other VM by using instant recovery and cloning the VM.
Should say that instant recovery is the way to solve this kind of problems?
Given the backup of dozens of VMs, how can I detect if they can be restored without restoring them?
About SureBackup, I read that "The recovery verification functionality is available in the Enterprise and Enterprise Plus Editions of Veeam Backup & Replication. If you use the Standard Edition, you can manually verify VM backups with Instant VM Recovery.": does it mean that I should perform Instant VM recovery for each VM after backup?