When failing over to a replica which was created using vCenter as a target I get this error: Power On virtual machine xxx_replica The object has already been deleted or has not been completely created
If I create a replica of the same VM but having the the host as a target (not going through vCenter) everything seems to be fine.
I have sent the logs and the sql DB from Veeam B&R server and the conclusion was:
I understand that this is the best practice to replicate because there are high chances that there will be no vCenter when you need to failover but I have two questions which I raised also to support:it seems there is a conflict during failover involving the hostID of the vCenter inside the VBR Database which leads to a temporary duplicate and this error, therefore Veeam does not know where to send the poweron command. I suppose this is why we recommend using standalone hosts for anything related to virtual vCenter appliances - in that case we rely on fixed hostID of the target and source hosts.
Seeing that you did the replication over standalone hosts already i would close the case, if you have no further questions.
1. In the future we are looking to install a second linked vCenter at a remote site and replicate our VMs there. Will there be a similar issue then?
2. Is there a solution in the following case: I replicated some VMs having vCenter as a target and after a while my source went offline and I need to failover to those replicas. In this case I would get this error and I cannot move on. Being that this is not mentioned as a known issue or a warning anywhere, what is there to do to keep my business going and be able to use the functionality of VEEAM B&R. (poorly written on my behalf, what I meant to say is: given that this is not expected to happen - haven't been able to find any known issues or warnings for this situation - what are my options to power on the replicas and then failback/permanent failover during off hours)