Anyway - I'm trying to restore from a backup - there's a single backup job that contains 3 exchange servers. One of them restored fine, the other two both fail just after "registering restored VM" with a very vague error about being unable to create a snapshot. You can see that ESXi reported an error as well - again a very vague unhelpful generic error about snapshotting.
Digging in the esxi hostd.log I have found this line:
Code: Select all
/var/log # grep -i 4e03a hostd.log | more
2014-09-01T14:58:39.446Z [70B40B70 info 'Vmsvc.vm:/vmfs/volumes/540309a2-7ce651ff-b3c9-74867ae0ee3a/AmidaSBS/AmidaSBS.vmx'] CacheDatastores: fileBacking [] /vmfs/volumes/4e03af2a-da69ea25-ed13-0023aeff5f02/isos/sbs2011.iso has null datastore reference 2014-09-01T14:58:55.657Z [FFCB55C0 info 'Vmsvc.vm:/vmfs/volumes/540309a2-7ce651ff-b3c9-74867ae0ee3a/AmidaSBS/AmidaSBS.vmx' opID=4b7366d5-a5 user=vpxuser] CacheDatastores: fileBacking [] /vmfs/volumes/4e03af2a-da69ea25-ed13-0023aeff5f02/isos/sbs2011.iso has null datastore reference
It's Veeam 07 patch 4 at both ends...
It's not a severity one because the production servers aren't down but it is urgent because it's holding up a move to the new datacentre which we need to do ASAP for performance reasons...
Any ideas?