Can someone please help me with the AAIP quiescence process via VMware Tools (VIX).
I understand that in an environment where there is no RPC communication with the VM, the runtime process is uploaded to the guest OS via VIX for quiescence processing. ... ml?ver=110
Once the quiescent process is finished, the data transfer task would then be executed.
The following log indicates that the data transfer task has started.
[26.05.2022 20:25:35] <43> Info [AP] (4b59) command: 'Invoke: DataTransfer.SyncDisk
However, looking at the task log, it appears that it is continuously uploading .tmp files to the guest OS and ESXi hosts even after the data transfer task has started.
It is always logged between "VSSControl: KeepSnapshot started" and "VSSControl: KeepSnapshot completed", which is running continuously until the data transfer task is completed.
Code: Select all
[26.05.2022 20:25:47] <27> Info [AP] (a6a2) output: --asyncNtf:disk_capacity: '536870912000'
[26.05.2022 20:25:47] <33> Info [AP] (4b59) output: --asyncNtf:disk_capacity: '536870912000'
[26.05.2022 20:25:47] <31> Info [AP] (8004) output: --asyncNtf:disk_capacity: '536870912000'
[26.05.2022 20:25:47] <52> Info [AP] (0237) output: --asyncNtf:disk_capacity: '536870912000'
[26.05.2022 20:26:01] <51> Info [AP] (4b59) output: --size: 536870912000
[26.05.2022 20:26:01] <52> Info [AP] (4b59) output: --pex:0;1048576;0;1048576;0;32;97;0;0;0;0;0;132980379615210000
[26.05.2022 20:26:28] <54> Info [AP] (4b59) output: --pex:0;862978048;185597952;605028352;185597952;74949830;89;64;36;99;2;97;132980379886790000
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] <41> Info [b]VSSControl: KeepSnapshot started[/b], ttl 1200 sec
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Uploading file [C:\Windows\TEMP\ifdCEEF.tmp] to guest [vm-xxxx] destination [C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{4006b84a-96f5-4f83-97a8-9850e10e7f26}]
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Uploading file [C:\Windows\TEMP\ifdCEEF.tmp] to [https://esxihostname:443/]
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Active file HTTP session was registered [{f1a7f00e-7b3e-421a-9e3f-a40f078ed2fc}].
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Writing file [C:\Windows\TEMP\ifdCEEF.tmp] of size [44] to the HTTP server
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Sending HTTP request with Content-Length [44] to the HTTP server
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Sending HTTP request with Content-Length [44] to the HTTP server. Ok.
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Uploaded 100%
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Receiving response from the HTTP server, receive timeout (sec): 60
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Receiving response from the HTTP server, receive timeout (sec): 60. Ok.
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Writing file [C:\Windows\TEMP\ifdCEEF.tmp] of size [44] to the HTTP server. Ok.
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Uploading file [C:\Windows\TEMP\ifdCEEF.tmp] to [https://esxihostname:443/guestFile?id=34&token=520447fb-9f34-cec6-7bff-a1f735b71edd34]. Ok.
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Active files transfer session [{f1a7f00e-7b3e-421a-9e3f-a40f078ed2fc}] was successfully unregistered.
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Uploading file [C:\Windows\TEMP\ifdCEEF.tmp] to guest [vm-xxxx] destination [C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{4006b84a-96f5-4f83-97a8-9850e10e7f26}]. Ok.
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Setting "execute" permission for file [C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{f34bbd16-51e9-425e-a81b-806432cf0380}]
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Changing guest [vm-xxxx] file [C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{f34bbd16-51e9-425e-a81b-806432cf0380}] attributes
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Changing guest [vm-xxxx] file [C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{f34bbd16-51e9-425e-a81b-806432cf0380}] attributes. Failed.
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Setting "execute" permission for file [C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{f34bbd16-51e9-425e-a81b-806432cf0380}]. Failed.
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Could not set "execute" permission for file [C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{f34bbd16-51e9-425e-a81b-806432cf0380}]
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Could not change guest [vm-xxxx] file [C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{f34bbd16-51e9-425e-a81b-806432cf0380}] attributes
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Could not invoke guest operation
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info A specified parameter was not correct:
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Running guest [vm-xxxx] program [C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{f34bbd16-51e9-425e-a81b-806432cf0380}] with arguments [-func BlobCall -out "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{ac2c7bf2-0b42-4e8a-a639-420eb4d90ab2}" -blob ******** -glogin "administrator" -gpwd ********]
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Waiting for guest [vm-xxxx] process with PID [9368] to finish, timeout: 3600000, tryRate: 1000
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Getting status of the guest [vm-xxxx] process with PID [9368], timeout: 3600000
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Listing processes with PIDs [9368,] in guest [vm-xxxx]
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Listing processes with PIDs [9368,] in guest [vm-xxxx]. Ok.
[26.05.2022 20:26:45] 26640 Info Getting status of the guest [vm-xxxx] process with PID [9368], timeout: 3600000. Ok.
[26.05.2022 20:26:46] 26640 Info Getting status of the guest [vm-xxxx] process with PID [9368], timeout: 3598957
[26.05.2022 20:26:46] 26640 Info Listing processes with PIDs [9368,] in guest [vm-xxxx]
[26.05.2022 20:26:46] 26640 Info Listing processes with PIDs [9368,] in guest [vm-xxxx]. Ok.
[26.05.2022 20:26:46] 26640 Info Getting status of the guest [vm-xxxx] process with PID [9368], timeout: 3598957. Ok.
[26.05.2022 20:26:46] 26640 Info Waiting for guest [vm-xxxx] process with PID [9368] to finish, timeout: 3600000, tryRate: 1000. Ok.
[26.05.2022 20:26:46] 26640 Info Running guest [vm-xxxx] program [C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{f34bbd16-51e9-425e-a81b-806432cf0380}] with arguments [-func BlobCall -out "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{ac2c7bf2-0b42-4e8a-a639-420eb4d90ab2}" -blob ******** -glogin "administrator" -gpwd ********]. Ok.
[26.05.2022 20:26:46] 26640 Info Downloading file [C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{ac2c7bf2-0b42-4e8a-a639-420eb4d90ab2}] from guest [vm-xxxx] destination [C:\Windows\TEMP\ifdCFFA.tmp]
[26.05.2022 20:26:47] 26640 Info Downloading file [C:\Windows\TEMP\ifdCFFA.tmp] from [https://esxihostname:443/guestFile?id=34&token=526d7acd-da26-21d4-7ee8-6c77ca42e49f34]
[26.05.2022 20:26:47] 26640 Info Active file HTTP session was registered [{9aaaf9e0-489b-4f19-a4d1-186dc5f79a88}].
[26.05.2022 20:26:47] 26640 Info Reading file [C:\Windows\TEMP\ifdCFFA.tmp] of size [66] from the HTTP server
[26.05.2022 20:26:47] 26640 Info Sending HTTP request with Content-Length [66] to the HTTP server
[26.05.2022 20:26:47] 26640 Info Sending HTTP request with Content-Length [66] to the HTTP server. Ok.
[26.05.2022 20:26:47] 26640 Info Receiving response from the HTTP server, receive timeout (sec): 60
[26.05.2022 20:26:47] 26640 Info Receiving response from the HTTP server, receive timeout (sec): 60. Ok.
[26.05.2022 20:26:47] 26640 Info Downloaded 100%
[26.05.2022 20:26:47] 26640 Info Reading file [C:\Windows\TEMP\ifdCFFA.tmp] of size [66] from the HTTP server. Ok.
[26.05.2022 20:26:47] 26640 Info Downloading file [C:\Windows\TEMP\ifdCFFA.tmp] from [https://esxihostname:443/guestFile?id=34&token=526d7acd-da26-21d4-7ee8-6c77ca42e49f34]. Ok.
[26.05.2022 20:26:47] 26640 Info Active files transfer session [{9aaaf9e0-489b-4f19-a4d1-186dc5f79a88}] was successfully unregistered.
[26.05.2022 20:26:47] 26640 Info Downloading file [C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{ac2c7bf2-0b42-4e8a-a639-420eb4d90ab2}] from guest [vm-xxxx] destination [C:\Windows\TEMP\ifdCFFA.tmp]. Ok.
[26.05.2022 20:26:47] 26640 Info Deleting guest [vm-xxxx] file [C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{ac2c7bf2-0b42-4e8a-a639-420eb4d90ab2}]
[26.05.2022 20:26:47] 26640 Info Deleting guest [vm-xxxx] file [C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{ac2c7bf2-0b42-4e8a-a639-420eb4d90ab2}]. Ok.
[26.05.2022 20:26:47] 26640 Info Deleting guest [vm-xxxx] file [C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{4006b84a-96f5-4f83-97a8-9850e10e7f26}]
[26.05.2022 20:26:47] 26640 Info Deleting guest [vm-xxxx] file [C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{4006b84a-96f5-4f83-97a8-9850e10e7f26}]. Ok.
[26.05.2022 20:26:47] <41> Info [b]VSSControl: KeepSnapshot completed[/b], ttl 1200 sec
Will the .tmp file still be uploaded after the data transfer task is started?
Kind Regards,
Climb Inc.