In addition to the Veeam extension for the v-sphere web client it would be nice to have a widget on the summery page of each VM stating the following information:
Optionally the fields could be user configured to hide/show what the admin wanted to see.
Status - Backup Failed | Backup Success | Backup Running
Target Data store
Job Name
Veeam Server/Proxy
Number of snapshots
Time-stamp of Last successful backup
Job Type - Backup Copy | Replication | Backup2Disk | Backup to Tape
Link to Job log in enterprise manager
This would allow administrators a quick view of what was going on with each server while they are in v-sphere web client.
Thank you for your feedback, but wouldn't it be a pretty static information except for the latest backup status? Also can you please clarify on the bullet point regarding a number of snapshots?
Vitaliy S. wrote:
wouldn't it be a pretty static information except for the latest backup status?
for the most part yes it would be mostly static.
The main idea is just a visual cue (especially if a graphic was included - green = success yellow= not configured for backup red= failed) for whoever is looking at that machine to see that it is (or isn't) being backed up, at what interval, and where it is stored (disk/tape/both)
Certainly not a high priority request, but though I would throw it out there for folks to chew on.
Vitaliy S. wrote:
Also can you please clarify on the bullet point regarding a number of snapshots?
by number of snapshots I was referring to number of restore points present for a particular VM.