So I wrote a script a while ago, before upgrading to Veeam 9.
Basically, once a quarter, we restore a tape from another site into our test Veeam environment.
We're only restoring the VBK and VBM file for each job from tape to disk, from Reversed Incrementals.
Back in v 8.0, it worked a treat and would email me the HTML reports.
Now in version 9, I get the following for each VM.
I know that the VMs are in fact available, as I've manually booted them and interacted with them using Instant VM Recovery, so I'm sure it's just a syntax change.
Anyone got any ideas where I'm going wrong?
Code: Select all
Veeam Backup Validator Version
Copyright (C) Veeam Software AG. All rights reserved.
Backup ID: {GUID}
Backup name: backup-name
Format: Html
Restore point date: Friday, 12 February 2016
Restore point ID: {GUID}
Restore point time: 7:00:00 PM
Report: c:\Powershell\VeeamValidation
Silence: no
Skip: no
Validating VM...
VM name: vm-name
Creation time: 12/02/2016 7:04:08 PM
Backup type: full
Platform: VMware
OS name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)
Skipping VM vm-name': VM is unavailable.
VM count: 1
Incomplete VM count: 0
Failed VM count: 1
Files count: 0
Total size: 0.0 KB
Validation failed.
The following VMs are corrupted:
1. 'vm-name': VM is unavailable.