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Veeam SQL vs SQL Backups

Post by kf304 »

We are currently running a Veeam backup job to backup our SQL Server VM, but we have turned off application aware and guest processing because our Director takes his own SQL Server backups throughout the day. He has noticed that if something happens with the Veeam backup job and it fails and has to retry, it delays his SQL backups on the VM for hours. He has scheduled his SQL Backups to start well before the Veeam job should start. Does Veeam have some sort of precedence on the VM that would interfere with the SQL backup jobs being performed on the server itself that would take control of the VM and delay the SQL backups that were running before the Veeam job starts? He can usually tell me if there was an issue with the Veeam backup based on how long his SQL backups take to process before I have a chance to login to Veeam and check the status of the job.
Egor Yakovlev
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Re: Veeam SQL vs SQL Backups

Post by Egor Yakovlev »

If "[ ] Enable application-aware image processing" is not checked, Veeam will not touch guest OS in any shape or form, so I have a feeling that failed Veeam job + slowed down in-guest SQL performance is a sign of problems at VMware level, possibly with VM working on a snapshot, huge datastore latency or something from this area. Would be cool to check VMware\Datastore performance during the backup and troubleshoot failed Veeam jobs in the first place.
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