We are attempting to use VeeamBackup in one of our projects on the LOCAL environment. The project has both LOCAL IP and PUBLIC IP assigned, and we need to establish an NFS connection (for Instant Recovery) to a location with this PUBLIC IP.
Our Source NAT and Destination NAT settings are configured through the Mikrotik Gateway. However, we are encountering issues with the connection from the PUBLIC IP to the LOCAL IP because the IP that VeeamBackup is listening on belongs to the Ethernet Adapter and is a LOCAL IP. We have defined the LOCAL IP with firewall rules for both internal and external interfaces. We have also set up the necessary rules to forward the external interface to the internal interface, but since VeeamBackup detects the LOCAL IP, we are unable to make this part work.

Actually, the process we mentioned below solves our problem, but we do not know whether it is possible or not;
We think we can solve this situation by changing the VeeamBackup BIND Address. However, we could not find any data on whether this is possible or not.
We would be happy if knowledgeable friends can help.
Thank you.