Host-based backup of VMware vSphere VMs.
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Veeamzip and encrypted storage

Post by xkp »

I'm using a NAS as data storage for the VMs managed by ESXI essential 6.0.

Some of the NAS disk volumes are encrypted using 256-bit AES encryption (the encryption has been provided
directly by the NAS).

I have been able to perform a Veeamzip backup (and the restore too) of the machines.
Is it possible to perform the backup of the VMs stored in the encryped volumes in the same way?

If yes, I suppose that the .vbk files are not excrypted at all so that i would be able to
restore the veeamzipped files both on an encrypted volume as well as on a normal volume.
Am i wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help.
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Full Name: Dmitry Grinev
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Re: Veeamzip and encrypted storage

Post by DGrinev »

Hi Filippo,

Can you please clarify what do you mean by saying "the backup of the VMs stored in the encrypted volumes"?
Do you want to copy existing backup files to another location or you're running live VMs on that NAS?

If NAS is mounted to the backup server and can be accessed via Windows Explorer, then you should be able to copy/restore data from that volume (again it depends on how is everything set up in your case).

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Re: Veeamzip and encrypted storage

Post by xkp »

Hi Dmitry,
i m sorry if i have not been clear in my question.

The basic scenario is very simple.
I have a physical dell server with esxi on it.
My need is to use veeamzip to produce a .vbk file for each VM and store them on an external USB disk.
(and eventually in the future, restore them on A DIFFERENT ESXI machine).

The VMs on the dell server use a NAS as storage (see attached images screenshots from vSphere Client)
- the highlight zone shows a VM1 machine using a NAS partition named "vmvol1" in the first file
and VM2 machine using a NAS partiton named "securevol1".

The difference between the partitions is that the "securevol1" partition has
been created on the nas with 256-bit AES encryption.

As i said in my previous post i succeded in creating .vbk files using veeam backup (i simply add
to veeam backup and replication the VCenter Server only, not the NAS cause i m not interested in it)
with the VM1 machine and then restored it on completely different ESXI machine which not uses NAS at all.

Can I do the same with the VM2 whose storage has been encrypted?

thanks in advance.
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Re: Veeamzip and encrypted storage

Post by DGrinev »

Hi Filippo,

It depends on what type of encryption you're using.
If encryption allows copying files from the device, then you will be able to restore VM backups to a new host.

If i were you i would run an instant VM Recovery to a new host to check it.

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