Host-based backup of VMware vSphere VMs.
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Joined: Mar 24, 2010 5:47 pm
Full Name: Larry Walker

VMWare patches no NFS

Post by larry » 3 people like this post

Had an issue today : just FYI. Updated to the latest ESXi 6 patches. Rebooted and no NFS data stores. After much testing I found I could manually mount each data store. Had all the datastores mounted and reboot the host again, all the same issues. Did all the vm kbs I could find but no help. (Portspanning-tree type, nfsmaxqueuedepth64, ports per subnet..)
Part of the testing I ran [root@ESX180:/var/log] esxcfg-nas –r and got error below.
Error performing operation: Unable to get console path for volume, VeeamBackup_172.16.202.253
Did a esxcfg-nas -l
But there was no volume that name.
I found where someone else had an old Veeam volume which caused an issue like mine. This volume and server no longer exists. I entered the following
esxcli storage nfs remove -v VeeamBackup_172.16.202.253

Now I can reboot fine. No sure if it was the patch, deleting the old Veeam backup server or just a bad day but maybe this will help someone. This is the server that has had the locked files and needed to be rebooted once in a while so I am hoping it is two fixes in one.
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