To test if the account was the problem i added exactly the same rights the to veeam user as the domain admin have.
And i still get this error message so it is not permissions on the account (or?)
We were talking more vSphere permissions, rather than domain ones. Anyway, you might want to open a ticket with support team and let them confirm your environment. Thanks.
The error above can be seen when one of the granular permissions is missing. Please double-check that you have all required permissions (especially from "Virtual Machine:Configuration") assigned to the dedicated Veeam account.
Ah i missunderstood on where i needed to change the permissions.
I was using the consolidated backup role in vSphere. But after reading your awnsers i created a new role with the correct permissions that i found in the PDF and after that it works!
The correct permissions ( to do everything that all veeam components can do) are:
- dvportgroup
- datacenter
- datastore
- global
- host
- network
- resource
- system
- vapp
- virtual machine
if you use less than the full veeam suite, than you can do less permisisons and will need to check the document located under the esxi section here: ... sions.html
But to get it working i used the above.
Its a different way of doing it. You need to use a user/role pair and assign them to resources.
I assigned everywhere. To the datastore, to the individual VM's and to the esxi host itself. Might have been overkill but it works 100% now, no more errors. hope it helps.