13.06.2015 10:32:43 :: Loading tape 000622L5 from Slot 4131 to Drive 257 (Drive ID: Tape1) Error: The operation completed successfully.
DeviceIoControl(ChangerGetElementStatus) with sourceAddress = '35', destAddress = '1', symLink = '\\?\scsi#changer&ven_ibm&prod_3573-tl#5&fff8b2a&0&000301#{53f56310-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'
--tr:Timed out waiting for device ready status on MoveMedium operation, source element ChangerSlot#35, destination element ChangerDrive#1
The operation completed successfully.
13.06.2015 10:34:38 :: Failed to create backup metadata info. Error: Matching tape backup was not found (M09:b4f39a06-e1c8-47db-84eb-1898b952987f)
13.06.2015 10:35:48 :: [This server] [TapeService] Failed to Get media info
A cleaner cartridge is present in the tape library.
Can not get tape media information with status '4340' in changer '\\.\Tape1'
--tr:Timed out waiting for device ready status on FindMediaInfo operation, symLink = \\.\Tape1'
A cleaner cartridge is present in the tape library.
Can not get tape media information with status '4340' in changer '\\.\Tape1'
A cleaner cartridge is present in the tape library.
Can not get tape media information with status
Thanks for the follow-up. So, next time there is a cleaner cartridge present inside the library, it might be worth disabling tape jobs temporarily. You can do it in automatic fashion. Thanks.
i also suspect that we ran into a job conflict last time: we do a synth full backup each weekend, and I think the synth job conficted with the tape job (which purpose was to duplicate to last full backup to tape). But thanks for the link - will try that.
Based on the provided error message, I'd say the cleaner cartridge being present inside the library has been the major cause of the failure. Job overlap, if it had happened, would have resulted in some different message.
Anyway, glad to hear that now everything is up and running.
We are having this exact problem, probably 1 tape backup job out of three fails. Our autoloader (Quantum SuperLoader3) always has a cleaning tape in slot 16 because the library is set to autoclean itself if it needs cleaning. In competitor products there is a way to mark that slot as containing a cleaning tape but I can't see how to do this with Veeam - are we missing something?
You get your error from Veeam, but does the library load the tape??
I'm having troubles with a MSL4048, Veeam tries to load the tape, but nothing happens but an error. MSL does not perform anything, the tape is not loaded and no error shown.
v.Eremin wrote:Are those solutions installed on the very same machine?
No, they are both installed on distinct physical servers
The last test I did was to connect the library only to Veeam, and it worked fine. Then I partitioned the library and let to Veeam the first partition and the Second to Symantec, then Symantec couldn't operate the library
Based on the experience of our users, with tape partitioning it should be possible to use the very same library by two different tape solutions. However, it's hard to comment on a specific model provided by certain vendor, as implementation might vary among those. Thanks.