I have found logs in /var/log/veeam.
Can you help me to solve it?
My server is running on HP Microserver G7, it has two disk in raid1 (hardware mode)
Backup is mapped on a CIFS share.
When it run, it saves this error, otherwise it hangs and I have to rebbot the server (no more network connection)
Code: Select all
[04.07.2016 14:38:40] <140691568428800> | WARN|Unable to preallocate disk using vmkfstools v4.
[04.07.2016 14:38:40] <140691568428800> | WARN|Unable to preallocate disk space using ioctl.
[04.07.2016 14:38:40] <140691568428800> | [1,048,576] bytes were preallocated for the file [/tmp/{a9624750-9f98-43f1-a901-c93a011f069e}/bootloader_dev_sda].
[04.07.2016 14:38:40] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [9d35] >> : srcBackupFile
[04.07.2016 14:38:40] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [9d35] >> : veeamfs:5:/7230af24-fc7d-4c4b-8c8b-298bccc283a0 ({80a62c27-d21d-b211-8000-28924a305d6d})/bootloader_dev_sda@/tmp/veeam/artuOCbackup$/OCbackup/OCbackup_2016-07-04T143839.vbk
[04.07.2016 14:38:40] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [9d35] >> :
[04.07.2016 14:38:40] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [9d35] >> : /tmp/{a9624750-9f98-43f1-a901-c93a011f069e}/bootloader_dev_sda
[04.07.2016 14:38:40] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [9d35] >> : true
[04.07.2016 14:38:40] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [9d35] >> : false
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691540268800> lpbcore| [9d35] out: --size: 1048576
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691540268800> lpbcore| [9d35] out:
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691540268800> lpbcore| [9d35] out: --pex:0;524288;0;0;524288;53380;98;100;69;0;0;0;131121095213118990
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691540268800> lpbcore| [9d35] out: --pex:50;1048576;524288;0;1048576;53412;98;100;69;0;0;0;131121095213120210
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691540268800> lpbcore| [9d35] out: --pex:100;1048576;524288;0;1048576;53412;98;100;69;99;100;69;131121095213315980
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691540268800> lpbcore| [9d35] out: >
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| Backing up BIOS bootloader [Grub2]. ok.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| Backing up disk object: [/dev/sda].
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| Starting backup client for agent with UID [{eee93e7b-0b12-4b64-8e50-f23192baee7d}]. Client id: [5dcb]
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| IP endpoints: [].
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> | Trying to connect to the endpoint []
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> | Connection status: system:0 ( Success ).
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> net | Sending reconnect options: [disabled].
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| Starting server on proxy agent with UID [{8848c8d3-f76b-4414-8548-5e552ffdf0a1}].
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> | Trying to connect to the endpoint []
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> | Connection status: system:0 ( Success ).
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> | Thread started. Thread id: 140691531876096, parent id: 140691568428800, role: Client receiver
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> net | Sending reconnect options: [disabled].
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: >
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| Getting results.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| Disconnecting.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| Server on proxy agent with UID [{8848c8d3-f76b-4414-8548-5e552ffdf0a1}] has started.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [5dcb] >> : connectByIPs
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [5dcb] >> :
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [5dcb] >> : .
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [5dcb] >> : 0
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [5dcb] >> : {f2d6fa55-5d5f-4667-9f28-24074e043c45}
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [5dcb] >> : {952125e3-e3af-48aa-8d5c-9c68624f0c4e}
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: >
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [5dcb] >> : Invoke
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [5dcb] >> : <VCPCommand class="DataTransfer" method="SyncDisk" />
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [5dcb] >> : <VCPCommandArgs><Item key="Option.Remote" type="EBoolean" value="false" /><Item key="Source.CtkSpec" type="EString" value="<ctk_lpb />" /><Item key="Source.DiskPath" type="EString" value="emulated://<EmulatedDiskSpec><Layout><Mbr DiskId=~=979741~= DiskLength=~=250059350016~=><Bootloader Device=~=/dev/sda~= Offset=~=0~= Length=~=1048576~= /><Partition Bootable=~=false~= Type=~=131~= Offset=~=1048576~= Length=~=245905752064~=><UnderlyingDevice><VeeamSnap DevMajor=~=8~= DevMinor=~=1~= /></UnderlyingDevice></Partition><Partition Bootable=~=false~= Type=~=5~= Offset=~=245907848192~= Length=~=4151313408~= /><Partition Bootable=~=false~= Type=~=0~= Offset=~=0~= Length=~=0~= /><Partition Bootable=~=false~= Type=~=0~= Offset=~=0~= Length=~=0~= /><Partition Bootable=~=false~= Type=~=130~= Offset=~=245907849216~= Length=~=4151312384~=><UnderlyingDevice><SwapDeviceFile Path=~=/dev/sda5~= /></UnderlyingDevice></Partition><Partition Bootable=~=false~= Type=~=0~= Offset=~=0~= Length=~=0~= /><Partition Bootable=~=false~= Type=~=0~= Offset=~=0~= Length=~=0~= /><Partition Bootable=~=false~= Type=~=0~= Offset=~=0~= Length=~=0~= /></Mbr></Layout></EmulatedDiskSpec>" /><Item key="Source.Type" type="EString" value="{disk}" /><Item key="Target.BackupType" type="EString" value="{full}" /><Item key="Target.CurrentLink" type="EString" value="veeamfs:5:/7230af24-fc7d-4c4b-8c8b-298bccc283a0 ({80a62c27-d21d-b211-8000-28924a305d6d})/000ef31d@/tmp/veeam/artuOCbackup$/OCbackup/OCbackup_2016-07-04T143839.vbk" /><Item key="Target.DedupEnabled" type="EBoolean" value="true" /><Item key="Target.PeriodicFlush.Enabled" type="EBoolean" value="false" /><Item key="Target.Type" type="EString" value="{backup}" /></VCPCommandArgs>
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --asyncNtf:disk_capacity: '250059350016'
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691540268800> lpbcore| [9d35] out: --asyncNtf:disk_capacity: '250059350016'
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --size: 250059350016
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| Session progress: 0%; processed size: 0 processing speed: 0
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| Accurate disk size: 250059350016
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out:
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --pex:0;524288;524288;0;524288;53376;92;100;92;0;0;0;131121095215022200
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| Session progress: 0.000104833%; processed size: 524288 processing speed: 746849
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: <VCPCommandResult result="false" exception="Snapshot overflow.
--tr:Failed to read the next block from the disk. Disk: [Disk Emulator]. Current offset: [1,048,576]. Disk size: [250,059,350,016]. CBT tracker: [bitmap_tracker://].
--tr:Next asynchronous read request cannot be processed.
--tr:Asynchronous data reader has failed.
--tr:Failed to process conveyored task.
Failed to upload disk.
--tr:Disk upload failed.
Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.SyncDisk}.
Exception from server: Snapshot overflow.
--tr:Failed to read the next block from the disk. Disk: [Disk Emulator]. Current offset: [1,048,576]. Disk size: [250,059,350,016]. CBT tracker: [bitmap_tracker://].
--tr:Next asynchronous read request cannot be processed.
--tr:Asynchronous data reader has failed.
Unable to retrieve next block transmission command. Number of already processed blocks: [2].
--tr:Next asynchronous read request cannot be processed.
--tr:Asynchronous data reader has failed.
--tr:Failed to process conveyored task.
Failed to download disk.
--tr:Disk download failed.
--tr:Unable to run ProtoEx server session.
--tr:Failed to handle ProtoEx session.
" />
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: >
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [5dcb] >> : disconnect
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --err:
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: Snapshot overflow.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:Failed to read the next block from the disk. Disk: [Disk Emulator]. Current offset: [1,048,576]. Disk size: [250,059,350,016]. CBT tracker: [bitmap_tracker://].
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:Next asynchronous read request cannot be processed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:Asynchronous data reader has failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: Unable to retrieve next block transmission command. Number of already processed blocks: [2].
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:Next asynchronous read request cannot be processed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:Asynchronous data reader has failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:Failed to process conveyored task.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: Failed to download disk.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:Disk download failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:Unable to run ProtoEx server session.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:Failed to handle ProtoEx session.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: Exception from server: Snapshot overflow.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:Failed to read the next block from the disk. Disk: [Disk Emulator]. Current offset: [1,048,576]. Disk size: [250,059,350,016]. CBT tracker: [bitmap_tracker://].
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:Next asynchronous read request cannot be processed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:Asynchronous data reader has failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: Unable to retrieve next block transmission command. Number of already processed blocks: [2].
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:Next asynchronous read request cannot be processed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:Asynchronous data reader has failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:Failed to process conveyored task.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: Failed to download disk.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:Disk download failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:Unable to run ProtoEx server session.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:Failed to handle ProtoEx session.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: --tr:event:3:
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out:
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| [5dcb] out: :err--
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| ERR |Client protocol receiver thread has failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| >> |read: End of file
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Cannot read data from the socket. Requested data size: [1].
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to read data from throttled device.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to read null-terminated string from stream.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> lpbcore| >> |An exception was thrown from thread [1288161024].
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691531876096> | Thread finished. Role: 'Client receiver'.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| ERR |Failed to disconnect from proxy server.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |Snapshot overflow.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to read the next block from the disk. Disk: [Disk Emulator]. Current offset: [1,048,576]. Disk size: [250,059,350,016]. CBT tracker: [bitmap_tracker://].
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Next asynchronous read request cannot be processed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Asynchronous data reader has failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |Unable to retrieve next block transmission command. Number of already processed blocks: [2].
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Next asynchronous read request cannot be processed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Asynchronous data reader has failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to process conveyored task.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |Failed to download disk.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Disk download failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Unable to run ProtoEx server session.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to handle ProtoEx session.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |Exception from server: Snapshot overflow.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to read the next block from the disk. Disk: [Disk Emulator]. Current offset: [1,048,576]. Disk size: [250,059,350,016]. CBT tracker: [bitmap_tracker://].
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Next asynchronous read request cannot be processed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Asynchronous data reader has failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |Unable to retrieve next block transmission command. Number of already processed blocks: [2].
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Next asynchronous read request cannot be processed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Asynchronous data reader has failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to process conveyored task.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |Failed to download disk.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Disk download failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Unable to run ProtoEx server session.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to handle ProtoEx session.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:event:3:
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Backup client has failed to execute command.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to disconnect from proxy server.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |An exception was thrown from thread [1324713728].
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [5dcb] >> : quit
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| Backing up disk object: [/dev/sda]. Failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [9d35] >> : disconnect
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691540268800> lpbcore| [9d35] out: >
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [9d35] >> : quit
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691540268800> | Thread finished. Role: 'Client receiver'.
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| Stopping proxy agent process. Agent UID: [{eee93e7b-0b12-4b64-8e50-f23192baee7d}].
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> | Trying to connect to the endpoint []
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> | Connection status: system:0 ( Success ).
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> net | Sending reconnect options: [disabled].
[04.07.2016 14:38:41] <140691568428800> lpbcore| Waiting for acknowledge.
[04.07.2016 14:38:43] <140691568428800> lpbcore| Stopping proxy agent process. Agent UID: [{eee93e7b-0b12-4b64-8e50-f23192baee7d}]. ok.
[04.07.2016 14:38:43] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [e7fb] >> : quit
[04.07.2016 14:38:43] <140691548661504> | Thread finished. Role: 'Client receiver'.
[04.07.2016 14:38:43] <140691568428800> lpbcore| [bbe4] >> : quit
[04.07.2016 14:38:43] <140691557054208> | Thread finished. Role: 'Client receiver'.
[04.07.2016 14:38:43] <140691568428800> lpbcore| Stopping proxy agent process. Agent UID: [{8848c8d3-f76b-4414-8548-5e552ffdf0a1}].
[04.07.2016 14:38:43] <140691568428800> | Trying to connect to the endpoint []
[04.07.2016 14:38:43] <140691568428800> | Connection status: system:0 ( Success ).
[04.07.2016 14:38:43] <140691568428800> net | Sending reconnect options: [disabled].
[04.07.2016 14:38:43] <140691568428800> lpbcore| Waiting for acknowledge.
[04.07.2016 14:38:44] <140691568428800> lpbcore| Stopping proxy agent process. Agent UID: [{8848c8d3-f76b-4414-8548-5e552ffdf0a1}]. ok.
[04.07.2016 14:38:44] <140691568428800> lpbcore| BackupJobPerformer: Releasing snapshot.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| BackupJobPerformer: Releasing snapshot. ok.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| BackupJobPerformer: Creating backup. Failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> | Trying to connect to the endpoint []
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> | Connection status: system:0 ( Success ).
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> net | Sending reconnect options: [disabled].
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| Disconnecting.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691610052480> lpbcore| LpbManSession: Processing commands. ok.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| ERR |Job has failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |Snapshot overflow.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to read the next block from the disk. Disk: [Disk Emulator]. Current offset: [1,048,576]. Disk size: [250,059,350,016]. CBT tracker: [bitmap_tracker://].
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Next asynchronous read request cannot be processed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Asynchronous data reader has failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to process conveyored task.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |Failed to upload disk.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Disk upload failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.SyncDisk}.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |Exception from server: Snapshot overflow.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to read the next block from the disk. Disk: [Disk Emulator]. Current offset: [1,048,576]. Disk size: [250,059,350,016]. CBT tracker: [bitmap_tracker://].
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Next asynchronous read request cannot be processed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Asynchronous data reader has failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |Unable to retrieve next block transmission command. Number of already processed blocks: [2].
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Next asynchronous read request cannot be processed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Asynchronous data reader has failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to process conveyored task.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |Failed to download disk.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Disk download failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Unable to run ProtoEx server session.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to handle ProtoEx session.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:event:3:
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Backup client has failed to execute command.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to transfer disk.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to backup disk object. Disk: [/dev/sda].
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |Backup job has failed.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> lpbcore| >> |An exception was thrown from thread [1324713728].
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691568428800> | Thread finished. Role: 'Volume backup job execution'.
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691610052480> lpbcore| Closing DB accessor [0x1d5efc0].
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691610052480> lpbcore| Closing DB accessor [0x1d61a50].
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691610052480> lpbcore| Closing DB accessor [0x1d5f350].
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691610052480> lpbcore| [DEV] Destroyed [0x1d5bfd0]
[04.07.2016 14:38:55] <140691610052480> lpbman | Application session has been finished.