If I'm not mistaken the VMs at linode.com run on KVM virtualization.
Code: Select all
root@ubuntu:/tmp# dpkg -i veeamsnap*
(Reading database ... 32281 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack veeamsnap_1.0.0.678_all.deb ...
Deleting module version:
completely from the DKMS tree.
Unpacking veeamsnap ( over ( ...
Setting up veeamsnap ( ...
Loading new veeamsnap- DKMS files...
dpkg: warning: version '4.8.6-x86_64' has bad syntax: invalid character in revision number
It is likely that 4.8.6-x86_64-linode78 belongs to a chroot's host
Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the
kernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed.
The packages still seem to get installed:
Code: Select all
root@ubuntu:/tmp# dpkg -l | grep veeam
ii veeam amd64 Veeam Agent for Linux
ii veeamsnap all Veeam Agent for Linux kernel module
Everything else seems to function as I was able to create to job and point it to my lab install of veeam B&R on the other side of the planet with no issues (ubuntu is in tokyo, veeam B&R in montreal). I'm assuming because of the veeamsnap install warnings, it's not properly installed/configured so can't do any snapshots.
If you need logs or other system info please provide a forum username or email I can send to, do not feel like putting that info in public.