I have our Veeam DB now living on a proper SQL DB server but when the backup server is busy running our full backups (synthetic fulls if it matters) the time taken to process the creation of a tape job can blow out to 3-4 hours... Refer below to see what I mean
Code: Select all
25-03-2017 21:53:45 - ARBStartTapeBackup::FullBackup: Creating Tape Job with Name TapeJob-Week5-P2-ARBBackup-ARBTS01
26-03-2017 01:49:37 - ARBStartTapeBackup::Start-Process -FilePath SQLCmd ...
Reason why I ask is that it works just fine when i simulate it during the day, its just when the machine is loaded up that this issue occurs.
Is there a way to 'reserve' some processing power for powershell commands as waiting 4 hours to return a command is not ideal