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vPower NFS Service not working

Post by UT2015 »

Hi there,

I tried to use Veeams Instant Recovery function, but it always fails:

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Failed to publish VM, Error: Failed to mount NFS volume, Fault: "PlatformConfigFaultFault", Detail: "NFS mount failed: Unable to connect to NFS server.
When checking Svc.VeeamNFS.log I can see that the NFS server is actually not started successfully:

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[31.07.2019 11:05:32] <   896> rpc| Stopping RPC server.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] <   896> rpc| Server was successfully stopped.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] <   896> nfs| Generating signal to stop protocol handlers.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] <  7996> nfs| Terminating by stop event.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] <  7996> nfs| Unregistring on foreign portmapper.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] <  7996> nfs| Exit.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] <  7996> Thread finished. Role: 'Protocol server'.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] <   896> nfs| Sending signal to stop health check thread.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] <  2372> nfs| Backup mounts health check thread was stopped.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] <  2372> Thread finished. Role: 'Health check thread'.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] <   896> nfs| Health check thread is stopped.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] <  2772> Thread finished. Role: 'FsInvocation hostfs - 0'.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] <  8288> nfs| [HostFsFileCache] Purge thread terminated
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] <  8288> Thread finished. Role: 'HostFs File Cache Purge Thread'.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] <   896> nfs| [HostFsFileCache] Cache deinitialized
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] <   896> nfs| NFS server is stopped.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  9416> cli| LOG: Initializing log file ...
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  9416> 
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  9416> =============================================================================
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  9416> {
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  9416>   Path to the executable module: C:\Program Files (x86)\Veeam\vPowerNFS\VeeamNFSSvc.exe
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  9416>   Module version:
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  9416> cli|   Loading kernel32.dll ...
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  9416>   OS version: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit) (6.3.9600)
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  9416>   Process Id: 5436
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  9416> }
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  9416> Port settings were read from registry. Port: '6161'.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> Loading options.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs| [HostFsFileCache] Cache initialized
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  4608> Thread started. Thread id: 4608, parent id: 5412, role: HostFs File Cache Purge Thread
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs| NFS Server options:
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  4608> nfs| [HostFsFileCache] Purge thread started
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs| PerfLogPath = .
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs| AsyncTcp = false.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs| vPowerNFSDisableIPAuth = false.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs| Allow connections from "<removed>"
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs| Initializing virtual filesystem.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs|   Trying to create root folder 'H:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup\NfsDatastore'.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  9212> Thread started. Thread id: 9212, parent id: 5412, role: FsInvocation hostfs - 0
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  9212> nfs| Invocation thread started for 'hostfs'
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs|   Registered shared folders:
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs|      NFS share [{c94615dd-9c0e-4de1-acf3-6029e5d8bf66}]. NFS mount path: [/VeeamBackup_FQDN]. Local path: [H:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup\NfsDatastore].
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs|   Enumerating NFS items mounted early.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs|   Items were enumerated.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs|     NewItem: [/VeeamBackup_FQDN]. FID: [464246267758671]. Parent: [0].
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs|   Resuming backup mounts.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs|   Clearing NFS items registry cache.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs| Virtual filesystem is initialized.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs| 
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  6584> Thread started. Thread id: 6584, parent id: 5412, role: Health check thread
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> rpc| Starting RPC listening.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> rpc|   Specified port for listening: [6161].
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> rpc|   FQDN of the computer: [FQDN].
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> rpc|   Service SPN: [VeeamNfsSvc/FQDN]
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> rpc|   RPC authentication records were initialized.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> rpc| RPC server is initialized.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs| Starting server in synchronous mode.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs| Protocol handlers were started.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs| NFS server is ready to process incoming calls.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  5412> nfs| 
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  4364> Thread started. Thread id: 4364, parent id: 5412, role: Protocol server
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  4364> Port settings were read from registry. Port: '6161'.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  4364> nfs| Try load default mount port from Registry.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  4364> nfs| Try load default NFS port from Registry.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  4364> nfs| Try to bind [1063] port.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] <  4364> nfs| Try to bind [2049] port.
[31.07.2019 11:05:35] <  4364> nfs| Foreign portmapper found.
[31.07.2019 11:05:35] <  4364> nfs| Listening...
[31.07.2019 11:05:35] <  7520> nfs| Try to register on portmapper.
[31.07.2019 11:05:35] <  7520> nfs| Allow connections from "<removed>"
[31.07.2019 11:05:35] <  7520> nfs| Allowed connections list changed to "<removed>"
[31.07.2019 11:05:35] <  7520> nfs| Loading NFS registry options
[31.07.2019 11:05:35] <  7520> nfs| ERR |Cannot register on portmapper.
[31.07.2019 11:05:35] <  7520> nfs| >>  |Unknown accept status: 5
[31.07.2019 11:05:35] <  7520> nfs| >>  |An exception was thrown from thread [7520].
I stopped many different services which might have influence on Veeams NFS server, but the above error still occurs.

Does anybody know what else I could do to find the disturbing service?

Best regards,
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Joined: Aug 07, 2018 3:11 pm
Full Name: Fedor Maslov

Re: vPower NFS Service not working

Post by wishr »

Hi UT,

I'd suggest you contact our support team for advanced troubleshooting.

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Re: vPower NFS Service not working

Post by Steve-nIP » 1 person likes this post

Open resource monitor, network, listening ports, see if something is listening on the port vPowerNFS wants to use (6161)

I'll take a wild guess and bet the print spooler service is listening on it.

If that's the case, stop the print spooler (obviously not if people are actively printing through this machine!), restart vPowerNFS, then restart the print spooler.
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Full Name: Fedor Maslov

Re: vPower NFS Service not working

Post by wishr »

Another port that should be checked is 111.

1. Open elevated Command Prompt
2. Run the following commands

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netstat -bona > portlist.txt
notepad portlist.txt
3. Search the text file and confirm that the following ports are not locked by another process.

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