I tried to use Veeams Instant Recovery function, but it always fails:
Code: Select all
Failed to publish VM, Error: Failed to mount NFS volume, Fault: "PlatformConfigFaultFault", Detail: "NFS mount failed: Unable to connect to NFS server.
Code: Select all
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] < 896> rpc| Stopping RPC server.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] < 896> rpc| Server was successfully stopped.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] < 896> nfs| Generating signal to stop protocol handlers.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] < 7996> nfs| Terminating by stop event.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] < 7996> nfs| Unregistring on foreign portmapper.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] < 7996> nfs| Exit.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] < 7996> Thread finished. Role: 'Protocol server'.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] < 896> nfs| Sending signal to stop health check thread.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] < 2372> nfs| Backup mounts health check thread was stopped.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] < 2372> Thread finished. Role: 'Health check thread'.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] < 896> nfs| Health check thread is stopped.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] < 2772> Thread finished. Role: 'FsInvocation hostfs - 0'.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] < 8288> nfs| [HostFsFileCache] Purge thread terminated
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] < 8288> Thread finished. Role: 'HostFs File Cache Purge Thread'.
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] < 896> nfs| [HostFsFileCache] Cache deinitialized
[31.07.2019 11:05:32] < 896> nfs| NFS server is stopped.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 9416> cli| LOG: Initializing log file ...
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 9416>
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 9416> =============================================================================
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 9416> {
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 9416> Path to the executable module: C:\Program Files (x86)\Veeam\vPowerNFS\VeeamNFSSvc.exe
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 9416> Module version:
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 9416> cli| Loading kernel32.dll ...
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 9416> OS version: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit) (6.3.9600)
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 9416> Process Id: 5436
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 9416> }
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 9416> Port settings were read from registry. Port: '6161'.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> Loading options.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| [HostFsFileCache] Cache initialized
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 4608> Thread started. Thread id: 4608, parent id: 5412, role: HostFs File Cache Purge Thread
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| NFS Server options:
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 4608> nfs| [HostFsFileCache] Purge thread started
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| PerfLogPath = .
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| AsyncTcp = false.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| vPowerNFSDisableIPAuth = false.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| Allow connections from "<removed>"
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| Initializing virtual filesystem.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| Trying to create root folder 'H:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup\NfsDatastore'.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 9212> Thread started. Thread id: 9212, parent id: 5412, role: FsInvocation hostfs - 0
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 9212> nfs| Invocation thread started for 'hostfs'
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| Registered shared folders:
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| NFS share [{c94615dd-9c0e-4de1-acf3-6029e5d8bf66}]. NFS mount path: [/VeeamBackup_FQDN]. Local path: [H:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup\NfsDatastore].
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| Enumerating NFS items mounted early.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| Items were enumerated.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| NewItem: [/VeeamBackup_FQDN]. FID: [464246267758671]. Parent: [0].
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| Resuming backup mounts.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| Clearing NFS items registry cache.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| Virtual filesystem is initialized.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs|
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 6584> Thread started. Thread id: 6584, parent id: 5412, role: Health check thread
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> rpc| Starting RPC listening.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> rpc| Specified port for listening: [6161].
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> rpc| FQDN of the computer: [FQDN].
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> rpc| Service SPN: [VeeamNfsSvc/FQDN]
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> rpc| RPC authentication records were initialized.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> rpc| RPC server is initialized.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| Starting server in synchronous mode.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| Protocol handlers were started.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs| NFS server is ready to process incoming calls.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 5412> nfs|
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 4364> Thread started. Thread id: 4364, parent id: 5412, role: Protocol server
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 4364> Port settings were read from registry. Port: '6161'.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 4364> nfs| Try load default mount port from Registry.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 4364> nfs| Try load default NFS port from Registry.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 4364> nfs| Try to bind [1063] port.
[31.07.2019 11:05:34] < 4364> nfs| Try to bind [2049] port.
[31.07.2019 11:05:35] < 4364> nfs| Foreign portmapper found.
[31.07.2019 11:05:35] < 4364> nfs| Listening...
[31.07.2019 11:05:35] < 7520> nfs| Try to register on portmapper.
[31.07.2019 11:05:35] < 7520> nfs| Allow connections from "<removed>"
[31.07.2019 11:05:35] < 7520> nfs| Allowed connections list changed to "<removed>"
[31.07.2019 11:05:35] < 7520> nfs| Loading NFS registry options
[31.07.2019 11:05:35] < 7520> nfs| ERR |Cannot register on portmapper.
[31.07.2019 11:05:35] < 7520> nfs| >> |Unknown accept status: 5
[31.07.2019 11:05:35] < 7520> nfs| >> |An exception was thrown from thread [7520].
Does anybody know what else I could do to find the disturbing service?
Best regards,