I have this Win10 pro PC (fully updated) where VAW stopped working at some point in time (2 weeks ago, maybe).
Going into event viewer, I see that the service crashes on start with the following error:
Code: Select all
Impossibile avviare il servizio. System.Exception: SqlLocalDB instance 'VeeamEndPoint' was not found
in Veeam.Common.CSqlLocalDb.GetInstance(String instanceName)
in Veeam.EndPoint.CEndPointServiceImpl.PrepareSqlInstanceImpl(ISqlLocalDbAccessProvider sqlLocalDbAccessProvider, DatabaseFile databaseFile, Boolean recreateDatabase, Boolean reattachDatabase)
in Veeam.EndPoint.CEndPointServiceImpl.PrepareSqlInstance(DatabaseFile databaseFile, ISqlLocalDbAccessProvider sqlLocalDbAccessProvider)
in Veeam.EndPoint.CEndPointServiceImpl.InitDb(DatabaseFile databaseFile)
in Veeam.EndPoint.CEndPointServiceImpl..ctor(CVbOptions options, CTerminationMediator terminator, CExternalEventHelper externalEventHelper)
in Veeam.EndPoint.EndPointService.OnStart(String[] args)
in System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.ServiceQueuedMainCallback(Object state)
I have updated VAW to the latest version, then tried uninstalling and reinstalling, then tried setting the registry (https://www.veeam.com/kb2335) to recreate database, then uninstalling and reinstalling again, but the error persist.
I have also tried uninstalling Microsoft SQL Server 2012 LocalDB and then reinstalling VAW (so that also SQL gets reinstalled) but I still get the same error.
Is there a way to remove every part of the program and dependencies (MS SQL localDB, etc) and delete all of the databases and configs, and start from scratch?