Going through the process of getting SureBackup configured and was hoping to get a bit of clarity on two topics. First is hopefully simply a UI confusion clarification:
I have a VLab set up, and testing a job with a single VM against it. After powering on, I see
Code: Select all
Results: IP address is detected
Updating virtual lab parameters
Results: IP address, network '', mask '', gateway
Code: Select all
Running ping test(s)
Network adapter 1: name 0001-default, usable
Network adapter 1: IP address, OK
My second question is trying to make sure I am configuring the Vlab isolated networks correctly, as there seems to be more work than I hoped. (ill simplify and use different networks for ease of explanation) We have a backup job, that is backing up VM's daily. These VM's do not have a common vlan for communication. So for example:
Code: Select all
VM1 - vlan1 -
VM2 - vlan2 -
VM3 - vlan3 -
VM4 - vlan4 -
Code: Select all
Prod Network - Isolated Network - VLAN ID
vlan1 - isolatednetwork-vlan1 - 1
vlan2 - isolatednetwork-vlan2 - 2
vlan3 - isolatednetwork-vlan3 - 3
vlan4 - isolatednetwork-vlan4 - 4
Code: Select all
vNIC - Isolated Network - Masquerade IP - Appliance IP
vNIC1 - isolatednetwork-vlan1 - 10.20.1.x -
vNIC2 - isolatednetwork-vlan2 - 10.20.2.x -
vNIC3 - isolatednetwork-vlan3 - 10.20.3.x -
vNIC4 - isolatednetwork-vlan4 - 10.20.4.x -
Is what im writing above, is that how I should be doing this? I ask, because at this point I have a lot more networks than 4 that need to be added, so before I go about adding them, wanted to ensure I wasnt misunderstanding something and there is significant work here that I dont need to do