Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Fumihito Natsume
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agent cannot recognize the volume formatted ext4 connected via iSCSI/FC

Post by Fumihito Natsume »

im tring to get backup of the volume formatted with linux(ext4) connected via iSCSI/FC.
the iSCSI/FC volume contains two partitions, such as ext4 and unformatted(RAW) one.
i set the backup job as "entire computer" that maight contain the volume which is formatted ext4.
acctually, i can backup the partition that recognized as RAW, but ext4.
i can see the prtition ext4 as "Normal; Primary Partition" on Disk Management at windows desktop console.

Are there any way to backup ext4 volume with Veeam Agent for MS Windows, like unformatted volume are taken.

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Re: agent cannot recognize the volume formatted ext4 connected via iSCSI/FC

Post by Mildur »

Hello Fumihito

Not sure why the RAW partition gets protected, but we only support the following file systems with Veeam Agent for Windows:

May I ask, why you want to connect a Linux volume to a windows machine? Just connect your iSCSI volume to a Linux machine and use our Veeam Agent for Linux to protect it's content.

Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
Fumihito Natsume
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Re: agent cannot recognize the volume formatted ext4 connected via iSCSI/FC

Post by Fumihito Natsume »

hi Fabian
thanks for your reply.
actually, i knew that Veeam Agent for windws supported only FAT32/exFAT, NTFS, ReFS,
but i wondered if i had some ways to get backup them like the backup of unformatted(RAW) i did before.
for an avoidable situation, i have to take backup with minimal change of this envirnoment; with no linux machines.
"with no llinux machines" is only the reason that i have to try the useless way.

iv tryed to get backup the volume that i connected via WSL command, but i hasnt seemed to be going well.

i know that "Get a Linux machine with agent, and try to backup with its agent." is the best/only way to solve this probrem, as u say.
just i wanderd if had some other ways to try to get them.

thank you very much for your help.
i u have any ideas, plese let me know

best regards!
Fumihito Natsume
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Re: agent cannot recognize the volume formatted ext4 connected via iSCSI/FC

Post by Fumihito Natsume »

Hello Fabian

Fumihito, agein.
iv foggeten to tell you that the linux server didnt have backup network.
so, we planed to prepare a windows VBR server that have backup network, connect the volumes linux sever formatted as ext4 to the windows,
and backup them with Windows Agent.

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