We are in the middle of implementing VSCP solution.
We have a use case where we would like to backup a customer with environment with no servers, only workstations.
The idea is to transfer their backups to Wasabi.
We would like to avoid that every workstations backup traffic is proxied over VSCP.
We would like that workstations backup traffic are transfered DIRECTLY to WASABI bucket.
Veeam team provided us this whitepaper: https://fromthearchitect.com/wp-content ... e-Mode.pdf
At the phase of creating Wasabi policy per whitepaper above we received an error:
Policy has invalid action: iam:TagUser
We are in doubt if we can skip that line in policy or is it mandatory for secure mode to work?
We also found this Veeam article:
https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... ml?ver=120
and here are different requirements for the policy to WASABI. Do they cover the secure mode?
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