---------------------------Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager Setup---------------------------Exception occurred.Info: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at VmEMSetup.Dialogs.VmEMDialog_AddConfig.EnumSSLCertificates() at VmEMSetup.Dialogs.VmEMDialog_AddConfig..ctor(VmDialogEngineParameter dialogEngineParam) at VmEMSetup.VmEMDialogEngine.Initialize(VmDialogEngineParameter dialogEngineParam, Int32 nProductCount) at SetupWizard.VmDialogEngineHandler..ctor(VmDialogEngineInfo dialogEngineInfo, Int32 nProductCount, VmWizardController wizardController, VmPropertyManagmentEngine customDialogExecutor, VmInstallHandleProvider installHandleProvider, VmSettingsHandler settingsHandler, VmProductConfigurationHandler cfgHandler, VmConfigurationParser cfgParser) at SetupWizard.VmWizardEngine..ctor(String strConfigFile, String strSerializeGuid, Boolean& bRunWizard) at SetupWizard.Program.RunWizard()---------------------------OK ---------------------------
Hi, Tomas, have you already contacted our support team with this issue? Please be aware, the team behind this community is not the one responsible for logs investigation, etc., and cannot assist you effectively with technical issues via forum correspondence.
No, I have not created a support ticket yet. I thought I would post this error in this forum to see if anyone else experienced the same problem before contacting support.
Then, I’d strongly recommend doing so, since it’s the fastest and most effective way to address any technical issue. Also, kindly update the topic with the ticket number you get for the convenience of future readers. Thanks.
I’ve just talked with the QC team and they said the root cause of this issue is the pre-installed HTTPS certificate that has not a FQDN name but something different specified in the “subject” field. The support team has already created a small utility that is supposed to address this issue by temporarily deleting “problem” certificate, so, it stands to reason either to contact them or to find the said certificate yourself.
Moreover, according to the plan, this bug should be fixed in the next product versions.
Basically navigate to the installer dvd and go to the enterprise manager folder, then 2-click to backupweb_x64.msi. This will upgrade enterprise manager successfully.