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Get-VBRSureBackupJob Error

Post by heckla »

Whenever I use the PowerShell cmdlet "Get-VBRSureBackupJob" I see the following error:

Code: Select all

Get-VBRSureBackupJob : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I've tried with no parameters, with the "-Name" parameter, and with the "-Id" parameter. I always receive the same error. Other cmdlets related to SureBackup seem to work. For example, I'm able to create a new SureBackup job with "Add-VBRViSureBackupJob". I'm also able to retrieve other types of jobs with their corresponding "get" cmdlets.

Googling around hasn't turned up much. Any ideas on what could be going on?
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Re: Get-VBRSureBackupJob Error

Post by HannesK »

and welcome to the forums.

That command works fine for me. So that sounds like a technical issue that is environment specific. Please provide a support case ID for this issue, as requested when you click New Topic.
Without case number, the topic will eventually be
deleted by moderators

Before opening a support case, I suggest to upgrade to the latest version if not already done.

Best regards,
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Re: Get-VBRSureBackupJob Error

Post by heckla »

My apologies, I somehow missed that text about opening a case first.

I already upgraded to the latest version in an attempt to resolve the issue, but the problem still occurs. It sounds like the cmdlet isn't just broken in general since it works for you.

I have opened a case now (#05252432). I accept my inevitable post deletion when it comes :)

Thanks for your help, Hannes.
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Full Name: Jason Massey

Re: Get-VBRSureBackupJob Error

Post by jason.massey »

Let me guess, you're running that command against a Hyper-V node? I had the same issue and opened a ticket. Here's the response:

Kindly note we have done some researches and tests in the lab and noticed that 'Get-VBRSureBackupJob ' works only for VMware environments, not Hyper-V.
Though, PS Cmdlet: Get-VSBJob works for both, it returns a list of all surebackup jobs, just the jobs name without any details in regards to the virtual lab or the application group.

If all you're checking for is the existence of a job then Get-VBSJob might suffice.

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Re: Get-VBRSureBackupJob Error

Post by heckla »

Interesting that it doesn't work in a Hyper-V environment. However, I am running a VMware environment, so that isn't the issue.

The current thinking from the assigned support engineer is that there's some sort of database issue... maybe a reference to an object that no longer exists.
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Full Name: Oleg Feoktistov

Re: Get-VBRSureBackupJob Error

Post by oleg.feoktistov »


Checked your case. Most likely, it's what our colleagues suggested there. Let's see what log analysis brings.

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