We are trying to restore backups to our test environments from our IT teams Veeam backup images, at the moment we have to spin up the entire image, perform the backups and then copy them to a location made available to our other test servers, i found the below cmdlets on the veeam forums and thought this might be what we needed, however, i have come across a stumbling block:
When running
Code: Select all
Get-VBRSQLDatabases -ApplicationRestorePoint $restore_point -Name $db_name
Code: Select all
Get-VBRApplicationRestorePoint -SQL -name $source_vm | ? {$_.type -eq "Full"} | Sort-Object creationtime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
Get-VBRSQLDatabase : A database with the name [db_name] does not exist for restore point...
Could this perhaps be due to the way our IT team is performing there backups or is this code related and i am just missing something?
Any advice here would be greatly appreciated, thanks!