I'm running a bunch of forward incremental jobs without a configured active full in the job.
But as I have the requirement to do active fulls monthly I need to use the PowerShell cmdlet, because simply configuring active fulls would break our tape backup (tape-f29/backup-to-tape-always-full-t46390.html#p300860).
To meet this requirement I created a powershell command which basically should run the first job and the chained jobs afterwards as active-full:
Code: Select all
Powershell -command &{Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapin;Start-VBRJob -Job "Fileserver" -StartChainedJobs -Fullbackup | Out-File -filepath E:\Backup\active_full_log.txt}
The first job is started as configured - as an active full backup.
But the other chained jobs aren't. They simply run as incremental Backup (or as configured).
In the documentation there is nothing about this behaviour. The support [ID# 03354581] now tells me that this expected and not a bug.
In my eyes it isn't. If I set this parameter for the cmdlet I would expect that it forces this for all jobs.
Suggestion from support was to run all jobs at the same time or time them manually.
Not really fancy. I now created multiple Tasks which are configured in the Windows Task Scheduler to run one after another. This will do the job but required alot of configuration. In the end this also static and does not reflect the backup-order in veeam.
Can someone else prove that this isn't really a bug? Maybe behaviour could be changed in the future then and makes it alot easier to run such jobs.
Or maybe there is a better approach to solve this?
Thanks in advance!