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Blank Page after opening Veeam Reporter

Post by flavor4real »

I've setup a brand new Virtual machine with Veeam Monitor (succesfully) and continued to install Veeam Reporter. I had no installation issues. Once I open the Veeam reporter, the web site shows a regular "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". The Veeam B&R is on a other Virtual machine installed.

What could be the problem?
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Blank Page after opening Veeam Reporter

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Hi Dennis,

Good to know that you've started to explore other Veeam products after setting everyting up with Veeam B&R. :wink:

As to your issue, what comes to my mind is a probable IIS misconfiguration. Can you confirm that it is up and running? What about the website itself? Are you able to open it from the IIS console?

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Re: Blank Page after opening Veeam Reporter

Post by flavor4real »

In case anyone has the the same issues, here is the respond according to Veeam Support:

The exception you are seeing is a symptom of a known issue with using Server 2008 and a security practice that takes place in government networks. The best way to get around this issue is to try installing reporter on a box running Server 2003 and running it off that. I apologize for the inconvenience of the fix but it should be able to get you up and running.

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