We are currently trialling B&R Enterprise Plus Edition with a 1000 instances license which I understand should cover pretty much everything.
However, we are off to a bad start, as we immediately started getting this error message for a Windows-based Client Job using a protection group of three Windows 10 clients (2x v1803, 1x v1903):
This came up in the log for all three clients of this job respectively, and subsequently it failed to apply the backup job configuration to these clients."Cannot send backup job configuration to testclient01.domain.local Error: Your license does not support more than one backup job"
We have one other client job with a separate protection group of 5 other test clients (Windows-based), of which the three above were a part before (they have been taken out into a separate protection group to try other backup settings with higher compression on them). This other group is so far working without the license issue.
We also have three server-based jobs (Hyper-V and ESXi) which are performing without issues.
The license dialog shows we have "1000 instances available (11.64 used)", and the instances tab shows VMs Count 8 x 1,00 = 8,00 Instances, Servers Count 1 x1,00 = 1,00 Instances and Workstations 8 x 0,33 = 2,64 instances. The evaluation license still has 29 days remaining.
Can you give any advice as to what causes this error? Googling has not yielded much except that the latest Veeam B&R update seems to have some issues with license counting general.
As the backup experience works rather well, I'd hate for our trial to crash & burn due to errant licensing matters, so I hope this can be easily resolved.