my backup to tape jobs fail with the error:
The job is configured to copy files from jobs to my tape. For my VM backup i have an forever forward incremental backup configured. So the fullbackup merges with the oldest incremental.Cannot find record in table TapeStorages for tape storage id 96462cad-8004-47cf-b2c8-0ca203cddbf1 path VMBackup.vm-326492D2019-11-03T232541_5E48.vbk (System.Exception)
We only keep 8 restore points in our environment. And as the error says, veeam tries to copy a file from 2019-11-03 which already has been merged with the full backup file. Thats why i thnik it cannot be found in the TapeStorages table in the veeam db. makes sense..
but why does the copy job still try to copy this old backup?
Ive opened a ticked. ID: 03886612. Logs are uploaded.
I cannot start the tape job which is our monthly backup, which will be sent to our cold standby. So i am a bit stressed right now.
thank you!