Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Full Name: Hirosh Arya

tape inventory and erase operation Fails

Post by Hirosh »

hi guys,

im using a HPE tape library, i add library for the first time in veeam, some of the cartridges are detected as unrecognized after running inventory. Now when i inventory those cartridge or even the cartridges in free media pool i get an error "Failed to detect tape block size" or " Data error (cyclic redundancy check).Tape erasure finished with error." . I even tried to erase both cartridges which gave out the same error. I have checked the block size on drives and cartridges both are 262144. does anyone know what is causing this issue?

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Re: tape inventory and erase operation Fails

Post by Mildur »

Hello Hirosh

What did your support say for this technical issue? Please share the case number. Without case number, the topic will eventually be
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Data error (cyclic redundancy check).Tape erasure finished with error.
Did you have tried tape vendor specific tools to erase the tapes? Did you see the same error?

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Re: tape inventory and erase operation Fails

Post by dacuna »


I have been having the same issue with my HPE tape library and tapes. I have 2 tapes that are working fine, one of them encrypted using IBM GKLM and another one is not encrypted. Support case 06366823.

They have advised me to get new media on the tapes that are not working, however, the unencrypted tape is as old as the other ones. Not sure what the issue is.

We have now replaced the HPE tape library, we have replaced the HPE tape drive, but still seeing issues.

Anyone has any other advised than getting new tapes? We cannot just throw away our rotating tapes.

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