Task \\hdv-doc-d\informatique\Administration\Budget 2013\.~lock.BUDGET 2013 TABLEAU DE BORD.ods# failed: file not found--tr:Client unable to process [get_file] command. Source: [\\hdv-doc-d\informatique\Administration\Budget 2013\.~lock.BUDGET 2013 TABLEAU DE BORD.ods#]. Target: [TapeFs://\\.\Tape0|7409491|7168|.~lock.BUDGET 2013 TABLEAU DE BORD.ods#].
The list of files to backup is constructed in the beginning of file to tape job. So, once job reaches a given file that has been already listed and can find it, the job produces corresponding error. Though, it doesn’t affect backup procedure of the other files. That being said, all other files will be copied to tape medias without any issues.
v.Eremin wrote:Though, it doesn’t affect backup procedure of the other files. That being said, all other files will be copied to tape medias without any issues.
Yes, it's why i think a simple "Warning" should be better, i my opinion, than an "Error".
If i use everyday Veeam to backup an alive file system, i will have an "Error" every day, and when a "real" error arrive...
The opinion towards this behavior might differ, depending solely on what is, actually, chosen as a source for a file to tape job.
In case of archiving to tape live production system, it would be more or less or ok that certain file has been deleted during the process and that you would be notified about it via “warning” message.
However, let’s imagine that it’s backup files that are being backed up to tape. In this case, the fact that backup file has been deleted during the process would mean that you don’t have reliable restore point on tape medias and you would like to be aware about this as soon as possible. So, “Error” message is more likely to draw your attention.