Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Backup Job to USB - Seed to Remote NAS

Post by LThibx »

I have a client that has a couple offices in different cities connected by site to site VPN.
The remote site has a NAS device where VAW backups are stored.
I attempted to backup some machines from local to remote directly to the NAS.
Some machines are sucessful, but others are not due to the initial size of the Full Backup.
For those machines I did an initial full backup to local USB disk, then brought that to the remote site and copied those backup to the remote NAS. On the local machine I then changed the backup path to the remote NAS share and attempt to do a Map Backup. I can access the location where the backups are stored, but it does not show the existing backup. What do I need to do to get these backup mapped? BTW, currently this is unlicensed versions of VAW, once I get this all settled and get my VSPC instance running, I will license these endpoints.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Backup Job to USB - Seed to Remote NAS

Post by Mildur »

Hello Lonnie

You can license this customer already today. Create a rental license in Pulse and install the license in your clients Agents.
For the issue itself, please open a support case as requested by our forum policy. We cannot troubleshoot technical issues over a forum post.
Have you also copied the VBM file? Mapping is only possible with the metadata file.

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Re: Backup Job to USB - Seed to Remote NAS

Post by LThibx »

Hi Fabian,
Yes, I understand the licensing aspect. Will get to that. Just trying to get by this issue first.

Oh and yes, I did copy the .vbm file...and one .vbk, one .vib.

So just to make sure, I went to the NAS and checked the permissions on the folder and files, and for those files I copied from USB, since I did this under the admin user, they had admin as the owner. The other folders for backup jobs that did complete across the Internet had the backup user I had specified as the owner. Both users are in the NAS's Administrators group so the access should be the same. Using SSH I changed the owner for the folder and files I copied from the USB to the backup user. Still cannot do the Map Backup in the VAW configuration. I did also attempt to do the Map Backup to another folder of the successful backup jobs and I cannot map that backup either.

So as you suggested I will open a support ticket.
I will report back here of the outcome.

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Re: Backup Job to USB - Seed to Remote NAS

Post by Mildur »

Hi Lonnie

I have run a short test my own with a standalone agent. Mapping has worked for the moved files.
Please let me know the case number, so I can follow it.

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Re: Backup Job to USB - Seed to Remote NAS

Post by LThibx »

Hi Fabian,
The case number is 07095252.
Screenshots are in the case.
So far I've had one response, basically instructing me to do the steps I've already done. I replied with more info and awaiting further response.

Could it be a port issue?

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Re: Backup Job to USB - Seed to Remote NAS

Post by LThibx »

Hi Fabian,
So I worked with Derek from support for a while, no progress yet.
To eliminate the VPN, I used a machine that is on the same LAN as the NAS. That machine is already backing up to the NAS with VAW.
I tried to map a backup with that machine and same results, does not show any backups.
I have run a short test my own with a standalone agent. Mapping has worked for the moved files.
So that is a standalone VAW accessing a network share (no VBR repository)?

I will continue to test some things as best I can. Derick & I will get back on this next week.

Thanks everyone for the assistance.
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Re: Backup Job to USB - Seed to Remote NAS

Post by LThibx »

Hey Everyone,
I have been working with support and have discovered a resolution and also some additional info about how VAW is handling backup mapping that may be useful info to everyone. Especially when it comes to Standalone installations. I will try to summarize:

Reference link: I found this forum post which led me to the resolution: veeam-agent-for-windows-f33/cannot-map- ... 81192.html

* Using info from that reference link, on different machines where I was attempting to do a map backup, I added the NAS credentials in Windows Credentials Manager. Once that was done, I was then able to map the backup regardless of whether the machine was on the same LAN as the NAS or being done over a VPN.
* One caveat I discovered: This only works when LOGGED IN with an administrator account. Logged in as standard user and being prompted for admin credentials when accessing VAW is not enough.
* Note that for normal backup processing (and not attempting to map a backup), providing credentials in VAW only was all that was needed. It was not necessary to put credentials for the target in Windows Credential Manager. I view having to do so a security issue, as the backup target is then accessible outside of VAW. As noted above since this only works when logged in with an administrator account, so it doesn’t seem necessary to have put those credentials in WCM for standard users.
* Other info: We also tested ports using Powershell Test-NetConnection. Ports tested 137, 138, 139, 443, 445. In most cases with all targets, ports 137, 139 failed while 139, 443, 445 passed. Determined that this was not part of the issue.
* My support rep did state that VAW should be using the credentials provided for the backup destination, and that should be all that is necessary, but apparently with VAW standalone it is not being handled correctly. He stated that in order to get this corrected in VAW, a Feature Request is needed, so I will be posting one here in the forums.

Hope this info helps others
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Re: Backup Job to USB - Seed to Remote NAS

Post by Mildur »

Hello Lonnie

Thank you for coming back and sharing the solution with us.
I will review the case and discuss it with the agent team.

Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
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