Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Protection group for non domain workstation?

Post by hawkbox »

I'm labbing around with Veeam at home and I want to put my personal system into a protection group but using Windows 10 I log in with a Microsoft account and I'm wondering if I can authenticate with that account and if so, what format do I need to use in the credential manager? Or do I need to configure a local admin account on the workstation and use that instead?

My googling is coming up empty on this so I thought I would ask for clarification.
Dima P.
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Re: Protection group for non domain workstation?

Post by Dima P. »

Hello Jason,

You can create protection group for Individual computers and add machine by host name or ip address. Account should be set in hostname\accountname format. Cheers!
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Re: Protection group for non domain workstation?

Post by hawkbox »

Yes I get that, it doesn't answer my question. Lots of windows 10 machines are logged into using a users microsoft account now, is that something that is supported or do you have to go in and create a local account specifically for Veeam to function? If I login with can I use that credential in Veeam?
Dima P.
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Re: Protection group for non domain workstation?

Post by Dima P. »

Lots of windows 10 machines are logged into using a users microsoft account now, is that something that is supported
I bet local user accounts already exist, you can check those under Computer management > Local users and groups.
r do you have to go in and create a local account specifically for Veeam to function?
I'd recommend to create same service account for every machine, say backupaccount, and add it once for all the computers in the protection group as localhost\backupaccount. Then it will be resolved for every machine separately and you don't have to modify lots of user accounts.
If I login with can I use that credential in Veeam?
Such format is not supported, you must to set credentials in hostname\accountname format.
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Re: Protection group for non domain workstation?

Post by Mike.Powell »

As mentioned here:
veeam-backup-replication-f2/failed-to-c ... 36932.html

For non domain joined client based OS's, you will need to tweak the local token filter policy using the registry key, otherwise windows will knock down remote calls by local administrators and strip the SID, causing rescans to fail for access issues.
Also discussed in documentation here: ... l?ver=95u4

To deploy Veeam Installer Service and Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows on a protected computer, Veeam Backup & Replication uses the administrative share (admin$) of the target computer. An account that you plan to use to connect to a computer included in the protection group must have access to the administrative share.
Note that in client Microsoft Windows OSes access to the administrative share is forbidden by default for local accounts. You can enable this option with a registry key. For details, see this Microsoft KB article.
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Re: Protection group for non domain workstation?

Post by hawkbox »

Thank you Mike, Dima, your last sentence is the answer to the question I was asking. I have no concern doing local account setup, but I was curious and I could not find any documentation on it.

This is going to cause concerns for AzureAD Registered devices in my future. I am perfectly capable of hacking a solution, I wanted to know if there was a supported one. There is not, that is the answer I needed.
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