I am using Win 10 v1903 (with all updates applied) and Veeam Agent v3.0.2.1170
I cannot successfully perform a backup. I am backing up to a LAN Shared folder.
It backs up my Recovery & EFI system partitions just fine (I've seen this error posted alot in regards to backing up those partitions)
But, while backing up my C: drive (a NTFS partition with about 400Gb's of data) it gets to around 50Gb's or so in about 25 minutes (each time is a little bit different, i.e. 56Gb's or 58Gb's - so not always in the same exact spot) I get the following error:
7/18/2019 11:21:28 PM :: Error: The device is not ready. Asynchronous read operation failed Failed to upload disk. Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.SyncDisk}. Exception from server: The device is not ready. Asynchronous read operation failed Unable to retrieve next block transmission command. Number of already processed blocks: [141038]. Failed to download disk.
I just received an e-mail "system generated courtesy notification" that may support case was closed and archived automatically.
This is very disappointing considering I waited weeks after v1903 was released and installed for v3.0.2, just to find out Veeam STILL doesn't work successfully with v1903
In personal experience 'device is not ready' means there is some sort of hardware related issue on the machine. If you wanted to test a few things out, I would recommend backing up the volumes one at a time and see where it is failing. Is there any chance it is always failing on a specific volume? Remember to check 'Show system and hidden volumes' so you can select/deselect system reserved/EFI and recovery partitions one by one.
It is always the main system drive (I've done check disk and scanned the surface for errors (it's an SSD) No problems) C: drive (a NTFS partition with about 400Gb's of data) it gets to around 50Gb's or so in about 25 minutes (each time is a little bit different, i.e. 56Gb's or 58Gb's - so not always in the same exact spot)
Curious question - Would this be caused by a network connection error, since I am copying to a LAN location?
Or does this error truly mean it is a 'Read' error, indicating a local system problem?
I just received an e-mail "system generated courtesy notification" that may support case was closed and archived automatically.
This automated message likely is generated due to less support engineers being available during weekend, I've already asked to review your case details, so support team will get in touch with you soon. According to the error it looks like an infrastructure specific issue, so it's hard to say what went wrong before debug logs review. Please let us know how the investigation goes. Cheers!