As it states you'll need to install all the dependecies. As it currently are single file downloads some of these are manually to be installed.
To make sure this works take a look at the
requirements list.
If this is a production vCenter however it might be best to not attempt this with beta software and try this in a lab! Keep in mind that by default the license via vCenter doesn't have the SuSe license so there are 0 repo's added. If you however have an official suse license the following should work.
Try the following please:
Code: Select all
zypper in dkms
zypper in gcc
zypper in --type pattern devel_basis
If you don't have a license the above will fail or warn you it might break stuff and you'll have to search for all packages in rpm format, download and install these by hand.
My advise is not to continue here but try it on a test machine!
However keep the following in mind from the known issues post:
Code: Select all
• SUSE Linux 11.1 - 12.1 (seems to work, but there will be NO official support in the first release)
• openSUSE 11.3 - 13.2 (seems to work, but there will be NO official support in the first release)