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Removing entity from repository

Post by kirderf »

I am trying to remove user entities from a backup repository, and I've successfully remove all entity data by using Remove-VBOEntityData. But if then run Get-VBOEntityData on the repository I still see the user entities listed, but no with no data associated with them. So, my question is how can I completely remove the entity from the repository, so that there is no trace left of the user? I can't seem to find any cmdlet that does this. Appreciate any tips and help!
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Full Name: Polina Vasileva

Re: Removing entity from repository

Post by Polina »

Hi Fredrik,

If Get-VBOEntityData keeps returning you some users it means that some of their data (which could be a mailbox, an archive mailbox, OneDrive, or a personal SharePoint site) still remains in the repository. Make sure to explicitly remove all user's objects, and if the issue persists, don't hesitate to involve Veeam Support.

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Re: Removing entity from repository

Post by kirderf »

Hi Polina,

Thank your for your reply! I am pretty sure that I have explicitly removed all objects. Below is what I've done.

Code: Select all

$Repository = Get-VBORepository -Name "repo01"
$UserData = Get-VBOEntityData -Repository $Repository -Type User -Name "John Doe"
Remove-VBOEntityData -Repository $Repository -User $UserData -Mailbox -ArchiveMailbox -OneDrive -Sites -Confirm:$false
After this, if I execute Get-VBOEntityData on the user an repository, I still get this

Code: Select all

DisplayName   Email              IsMailboxBack IsArchiveBack IsOneDriveBac IsPersonalSit AccountType   Organization                                                                                                                                                                                               
                                 edUp          edUp          kedUp         eBackedUp                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
-----------   -----              ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -----------   ------------                                                                                                                                                                                               
John Doe                         False         False         False         False         User
Do you see anything obviously wrong in my procedure? Just thought I'd ask before a submit a support ticket.
Appreciate your help!
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Veeam Software
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Full Name: Polina Vasileva

Re: Removing entity from repository

Post by Polina »

Hm... this is weird... and it seems to be a candidate for support investigation.
Please post your case ID here (once you get it).

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