Code: Select all
01/11/2016 12:18:26 p.m. 26 (2212) Job started: maria
01/11/2016 12:18:26 p.m. 12 (1752) Activating job: maria...
01/11/2016 12:18:26 p.m. 15 (1712) Connecting to organization...
01/11/2016 12:24:32 p.m. 18 (2824) Error: Item change synchronization failed
01/11/2016 12:24:32 p.m. 18 (2824) Stack:
01/11/2016 12:24:32 p.m. 18 (2824) at Veeam.Ews.ExItemSyncer.GetChanges(String folderId, String syncState, Int32 maxItems, IReadOnlyDictionary`2 requestProps)
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.SyncPage.GetChanges(String folderId, Byte[] cookieIn, Byte[]& cookieOut)
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.ItemProcessor.ProcessFolder(Byte[] id, ExFolder folder, Byte[] currentState)
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.ItemProcessor.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<Process>b__0()
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.FolderRetry.<>c__DisplayClass9_0`1.<Process>b__0()
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.FolderRetry.Process(Action action)
01/11/2016 12:24:32 p.m. 18 (2824) Error: The operation has timed out
01/11/2016 12:24:32 p.m. 18 (2824) Stack:
01/11/2016 12:24:32 p.m. 18 (2824) at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at EWServices.ExchangeServiceBinding.SyncFolderItems(SyncFolderItemsType SyncFolderItems1)
at Veeam.Ews.ExItemSyncer.GetChanges(String folderId, String syncState, Int32 maxItems, IReadOnlyDictionary`2 requestProps)
01/11/2016 12:24:32 p.m. 18 (2824) Warning: Exchange Web Services request failed
01/11/2016 12:24:32 p.m. 18 (2824) Retry count: 1
01/11/2016 12:24:32 p.m. 18 (2824) Processing stopped
01/11/2016 12:24:32 p.m. 15 (1712) Resolving mailboxes...
01/11/2016 12:24:32 p.m. 15 (1712) Resolving mailbox (ID: 79f05b88-311d-48e6-a973-ec06688f20c3)...
01/11/2016 12:24:34 p.m. 15 (1712) Found: Marisa Tormakh, SMTP:
01/11/2016 12:24:34 p.m. 15 (1712) Closing remote connection...
01/11/2016 12:24:34 p.m. 15 (1712) Adding 1 mailboxes in processing...
02/11/2016 11:27:12 a.m. 15 (1712) Processing mailbox:
02/11/2016 11:27:12 a.m. 15 (1712) Connecting to Exchange Web Services...
02/11/2016 11:27:12 a.m. 15 (1712) Host:
02/11/2016 11:27:16 a.m. 15 (1712) Requesting folder hierarchy changes...
02/11/2016 11:27:17 a.m. 15 (1712) No folder hierarchy changes
02/11/2016 11:27:17 a.m. 15 (1712) Preparing folders for items processing...
02/11/2016 11:27:22 a.m. 15 (1712) Getting subfolders of folder: Principio del almacén de información
02/11/2016 11:27:23 a.m. 15 (1712) Folder: Archivos
02/11/2016 11:27:23 a.m. 15 (1712) Prop: 0x3001001F = Archivos
02/11/2016 11:27:23 a.m. 15 (1712) Prop: 0x3004001F =
02/11/2016 11:27:23 a.m. 15 (1712) Prop: 0x0FFF0102 = AAAAAJ65bkI0MHtGleiZyeOK7esBAKlR9YtJHYpNtxbWKSzjxsgAAMHs6OEAAA==
02/11/2016 11:27:23 a.m. 15 (1712) Prop: 0x0E090102 = AAAAAJ65bkI0MHtGleiZyeOK7esBAKlR9YtJHYpNtxbWKSzjxsgAAAAAAQgAAA==
02/11/2016 11:27:23 a.m. 15 (1712) Folder: Bandeja de entrada
02/11/2016 11:27:23 a.m. 15 (1712) Prop: 0x3001001F = Bandeja de entrada
02/11/2016 11:27:23 a.m. 15 (1712) Prop: 0x3004001F =
02/11/2016 11:27:23 a.m. 15 (1712) Prop: 0x0FFF0102 = AAAAAJ65bkI0MHtGleiZyeOK7esBAKlR9YtJHYpNtxbWKSzjxsgAAAAAAQwAAA==
02/11/2016 11:27:23 a.m. 15 (1712) Prop: 0x0E090102 = AAAAAJ65bkI0MHtGleiZyeOK7esBAKlR9YtJHYpNtxbWKSzjxsgAAAAAAQgAAA==
02/11/2016 11:27:23 a.m. 15 (1712) Folder: Bandeja de salida
02/11/2016 11:27:23 a.m. 15 (1712) Prop: 0x3001001F = Bandeja de salida
02/11/2016 11:27:23 a.m. 15 (1712) Prop: 0x3004001F =
02/11/2016 11:27:23 a.m. 15 (1712) Prop: 0x0FFF0102 = AAAAAJ65bkI0MHtGleiZyeOK7esBAKlR9YtJHYpNtxbWKSzjxsgAAAAAAQsAAA==
02/11/2016 11:27:23 a.m. 15 (1712) Prop: 0x0E090102 = AAAAAJ65bkI0MHtGleiZyeOK7esBAKlR9YtJHYpNtxbWKSzjxsgAAAAAAQgAAA==
02/11/2016 11:27:23 a.m. 15 (1712) Folder: Borradores
02/11/2016 11:28:11 a.m. 15 (1712) 41 folders found
02/11/2016 11:28:11 a.m. 15 (1712) Processing mailbox:
02/11/2016 11:28:11 a.m. 18 (2824) Processing mailbox:
02/11/2016 11:28:11 a.m. 16 (2944) Processing mailbox:
02/11/2016 11:28:11 a.m. 18 (2824) Connecting to Exchange Web Services...
02/11/2016 11:28:11 a.m. 18 (2824) Host:
02/11/2016 11:28:11 a.m. 17 (3048) Processing mailbox:
02/11/2016 11:28:11 a.m. 17 (3048) Connecting to Exchange Web Services...
02/11/2016 11:28:11 a.m. 17 (3048) Host:
02/11/2016 11:28:11 a.m. 15 (1712) Syncing folder items: Principio del almacén de información...
02/11/2016 11:28:11 a.m. 18 (2824) Syncing folder items: Archivos...
02/11/2016 11:28:11 a.m. 16 (2944) Connecting to Exchange Web Services...
02/11/2016 11:28:11 a.m. 16 (2944) Host:
02/11/2016 11:28:11 a.m. 17 (3048) Syncing folder items: 15 Q2...
02/11/2016 11:28:11 a.m. 16 (2944) Syncing folder items: Bandeja de entrada...
02/11/2016 11:28:13 a.m. 15 (1712) Sync time: 1,1459714
02/11/2016 11:28:13 a.m. 15 (1712) No changes
02/11/2016 11:28:13 a.m. 15 (1712) Processing mailbox:
02/11/2016 11:28:13 a.m. 15 (1712) Syncing folder items: Auditoría...
02/11/2016 11:28:15 a.m. 16 (2944) Sync time: 3,0747975
02/11/2016 11:28:15 a.m. 16 (2944) Changed items: 100, deleted items: 0
02/11/2016 11:28:15 a.m. 16 (2944) Retrieving items data...
02/11/2016 11:28:15 a.m. 18 (2824) Sync time: 3,4913984
02/11/2016 11:28:15 a.m. 18 (2824) Changed items: 100, deleted items: 0
02/11/2016 11:28:15 a.m. 18 (2824) Retrieving items data...
02/11/2016 11:28:15 a.m. 17 (3048) Sync time: 3,9658783
02/11/2016 11:28:15 a.m. 17 (3048) No changes
02/11/2016 11:28:15 a.m. 17 (3048) Processing mailbox:
02/11/2016 11:28:15 a.m. 17 (3048) Syncing folder items: Clippings...
02/11/2016 11:28:16 a.m. 15 (1712) Sync time: 3,1040702
02/11/2016 11:28:16 a.m. 15 (1712) No changes
02/11/2016 11:28:16 a.m. 15 (1712) Processing mailbox:
02/11/2016 11:28:16 a.m. 15 (1712) Syncing folder items: Impuesto Sellos TDF...
02/11/2016 11:28:32 a.m. 18 (2824) Receive time: 17,1514046
02/11/2016 11:28:32 a.m. 18 (2824) Saving received items...
02/11/2016 11:28:33 a.m. 18 (2824) Saving time: 0,7606312
02/11/2016 11:28:33 a.m. 18 (2824) Total data: 4370128
02/11/2016 11:28:33 a.m. 18 (2824) Receive rate: 254797 B/s
02/11/2016 11:28:33 a.m. 18 (2824) Saving rate : 5745396 B/s
02/11/2016 11:28:33 a.m. 18 (2824) Processing mailbox:
02/11/2016 11:28:33 a.m. 18 (2824) Syncing folder items: Informes sectoriales...
02/11/2016 11:28:33 a.m. 17 (3048) Sync time: 17,7082048
02/11/2016 11:28:33 a.m. 17 (3048) Changed items: 38, deleted items: 0
02/11/2016 11:28:33 a.m. 17 (3048) Retrieving items data...
02/11/2016 11:28:34 a.m. 18 (2824) Sync time: 1,2903923
02/11/2016 11:28:34 a.m. 18 (2824) No changes
02/11/2016 11:28:34 a.m. 18 (2824) Processing mailbox:
02/11/2016 11:28:34 a.m. 18 (2824) Syncing folder items: Operaciones...
02/11/2016 11:33:15 a.m. 16 (2944) Error: Async batch export failed with timeout
02/11/2016 11:33:15 a.m. 16 (2944) Stack:
02/11/2016 11:33:15 a.m. 16 (2944) at Veeam.Ews.ExServicesExtension.WaitRequests(WaitHandle[] asyncs, CancellationToken cancel, TimeSpan timeout)
at Veeam.Ews.ExServicesExtension.BatchExport(ExServices ews, IEnumerable`1 ids, Int32 splitCount, TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken cancel)
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.SyncPage.ProcessData(IFolderRepository repository, IReadOnlyList`1 page)
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.SyncPage.SaveChanges(IFolderRepository repository)
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.ItemProcessor.ProcessFolder(Byte[] id, ExFolder folder, Byte[] currentState)
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.ItemProcessor.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<Process>b__0()
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.FolderRetry.<>c__DisplayClass9_0`1.<Process>b__0()
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.FolderRetry.Process(Action action)
02/11/2016 11:33:15 a.m. 16 (2944) Warning: Exchange Web Services request failed
02/11/2016 11:33:15 a.m. 16 (2944) Retry count: 1
02/11/2016 11:33:33 a.m. 17 (3048) Error: Async batch export failed with timeout
02/11/2016 11:33:33 a.m. 17 (3048) Stack:
02/11/2016 11:33:33 a.m. 17 (3048) at Veeam.Ews.ExServicesExtension.WaitRequests(WaitHandle[] asyncs, CancellationToken cancel, TimeSpan timeout)
at Veeam.Ews.ExServicesExtension.BatchExport(ExServices ews, IEnumerable`1 ids, Int32 splitCount, TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken cancel)
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.SyncPage.ProcessData(IFolderRepository repository, IReadOnlyList`1 page)
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.SyncPage.SaveChanges(IFolderRepository repository)
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.ItemProcessor.ProcessFolder(Byte[] id, ExFolder folder, Byte[] currentState)
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.ItemProcessor.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<Process>b__0()
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.FolderRetry.<>c__DisplayClass9_0`1.<Process>b__0()
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.FolderRetry.Process(Action action)
02/11/2016 11:33:33 a.m. 17 (3048) Warning: Exchange Web Services request failed
02/11/2016 11:33:33 a.m. 17 (3048) Retry count: 1
02/11/2016 11:36:29 a.m. 15 (1712) Sync time: 493,4351145
02/11/2016 11:36:29 a.m. 15 (1712) No changes
02/11/2016 11:36:29 a.m. 15 (1712) Processing mailbox:
02/11/2016 11:36:29 a.m. 15 (1712) Syncing folder items: Sistemas...
02/11/2016 11:36:30 a.m. 16 (2944) Sync time: 185,9426744
02/11/2016 11:36:30 a.m. 16 (2944) Changed items: 100, deleted items: 0
02/11/2016 11:36:30 a.m. 16 (2944) Retrieving items data...
02/11/2016 11:36:32 a.m. 15 (1712) Sync time: 2,519676
02/11/2016 11:36:32 a.m. 15 (1712) No changes
02/11/2016 11:36:32 a.m. 15 (1712) Processing mailbox:
02/11/2016 11:36:32 a.m. 15 (1712) Syncing folder items: Calendario...
02/11/2016 11:38:34 a.m. 18 (2824) Error: Item change synchronization failed
02/11/2016 11:38:34 a.m. 18 (2824) Stack:
02/11/2016 11:38:34 a.m. 18 (2824) at Veeam.Ews.ExItemSyncer.GetChanges(String folderId, String syncState, Int32 maxItems, IReadOnlyDictionary`2 requestProps)
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.SyncPage.GetChanges(String folderId, Byte[] cookieIn, Byte[]& cookieOut)
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.ItemProcessor.ProcessFolder(Byte[] id, ExFolder folder, Byte[] currentState)
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.ItemProcessor.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<Process>b__0()
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.FolderRetry.<>c__DisplayClass9_0`1.<Process>b__0()
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.FolderRetry.Process(Action action)
02/11/2016 11:38:34 a.m. 18 (2824) Error: The operation has timed out
02/11/2016 11:38:34 a.m. 18 (2824) Stack:
02/11/2016 11:38:34 a.m. 18 (2824) at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at EWServices.ExchangeServiceBinding.SyncFolderItems(SyncFolderItemsType SyncFolderItems1)
at Veeam.Ews.ExItemSyncer.GetChanges(String folderId, String syncState, Int32 maxItems, IReadOnlyDictionary`2 requestProps)
02/11/2016 11:38:34 a.m. 18 (2824) Warning: Exchange Web Services request failed
02/11/2016 11:38:34 a.m. 18 (2824) Retry count: 1
02/11/2016 11:41:31 a.m. 16 (2944) Error: Async batch export failed with timeout
02/11/2016 11:41:31 a.m. 16 (2944) Stack:
02/11/2016 11:41:31 a.m. 16 (2944) at Veeam.Ews.ExServicesExtension.WaitRequests(WaitHandle[] asyncs, CancellationToken cancel, TimeSpan timeout)
at Veeam.Ews.ExServicesExtension.BatchExport(ExServices ews, IEnumerable`1 ids, Int32 splitCount, TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken cancel)
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.SyncPage.ProcessData(IFolderRepository repository, IReadOnlyList`1 page)
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.SyncPage.SaveChanges(IFolderRepository repository)
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.ItemProcessor.ProcessFolder(Byte[] id, ExFolder folder, Byte[] currentState)
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.ItemProcessor.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<Process>b__0()
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.FolderRetry.<>c__DisplayClass9_0`1.<Process>b__0()
at Veeam.Archiver.Source.FolderRetry.Process(Action action)
02/11/2016 11:41:31 a.m. 16 (2944) Warning: Exchange Web Services request failed
02/11/2016 11:41:31 a.m. 16 (2944) Retry count: 2