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Backup and Restore of a Domain Controller & Exchange 2003

Post by samuk »


I am new to veam currently testing the Backups and restores.

We have 4 ESX Servers 1 VC Server (all current builds)
One backup server that is also SAN attached and acts as a VCB proxy.

We have 30+ Virtual Servers, all require backing up.

I performed a Full backup of two Windows 2003 DC's and our Exchange Server. With 4 restore Points. Backup operation completed ok with VSS enabed.

Domain Controllers:
I then restored the DC's backup to a DR ESX Server. I then connected the network to a isolated LAN and powered on the two VM's. The servers booted to Safe mode then into Windows. I had to perform additional steps in order for the DC to function correctly as per KB

I was under the impression from reading a Veeam document on VSS Applicaiton level backups and restores that no additional steps are required for when restoring a Domain controller? Is this not the case?

When i tried to restore Exchange it would not let me select a current restore point. I had to select the first restore point for when the job was run.

Can anyone shed some light on how to do a restore of Exchange?
Does it supprt Mailbox Level Restores?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Re: Backup and Restore of a Domain Controller & Exchange 2003

Post by Gostev »

Hello Sam, if you have multiple domain controllers that restoring one of them in the isolated network would not work correctly. Domain Controller needs to get in sync with other DCs including FSMO roles holders as a part of restore process.

Concerning restore point selection, actually this functionality does not matter of the software running on VM. I am not sure what you mean by Veeam Backup not letting you select current restore point. Please open a case with our support and submit error or message that you are getting when selecting current restore point.

Full Exchange restore is just about restoring the VM. As for mailbox level restores, I believe we have a white-paper explaining step-by-step procedure for this. Please contact our support to get it.

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Re: Backup and Restore of a Domain Controller & Exchange 2003

Post by samuk »


I have restored both DC's, and had to change the BlurFlag entry int he registry. ?

I have asked Veeam support and they said they have no white paper on Exchange Restore. This is what i was given

Does not really talk about restores..

I think i saw a post where you said you had one but did not post a link up

Exchange: Well if a initial backup is done on Monday, then the Incrementals throughout the week - its only allowing me to select the Monday backup for resotore (which is ofcourse very old)

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Re: Backup and Restore of a Domain Controller & Exchange 2003

Post by Gostev »

Concerning DC restore: if you restore DC back to the same environment, you should not need to do anything else (unless you have some issue unrelated to the backup). I think it would be best if you work with out technical support to provide additional information. They will be able to engage development and do a webex with you if needed to understand what is the issue.

Concerning Exchange white paper: sorry for miscommunication, we have such document, I will make sure you get the white-paper on message-level restore - just please let me know your support case number.

Concerning restore point selection: I am still not sure what do you mean by "it does not allow you to restore from other points". But please note that Veeam Backup uses synthetic backup (not full+incrementals). Latest backup is always synthetic full. Nevertheless, you should definitely be able to restore to all restore points you have available, without any limitations. Please submit additional information on this issue to support (error message, restore point selection step screenshot).
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Re: Backup and Restore of a Domain Controller & Exchange 2003

Post by Ben Milligan »

I also apologize for any miscommunication, I have sent the Exchange Whitepaper for restoration to you Sam. We will continue researching your restore point problem in your existing support ticket.

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Re: Backup and Restore of a Domain Controller & Exchange 2003

Post by samuk »

Ah Ben, your here also.. :mrgreen:

Got the document thanks..I will delete the Exchange Backup and do another Full Backup and further Backups of Exchange to see if i get the same issue.

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Re: Backup and Restore of a Domain Controller & Exchange 2003

Post by Luckas »

samuk wrote:Ah Ben, your here also.. :mrgreen:

Got the document thanks..I will delete the Exchange Backup and do another Full Backup and further Backups of Exchange to see if i get the same issue.

Hi Gostev,

can you please send this "Exchange white paper" to me? :P

My problem is, that we need to backup several Exchange 2003 server and SQL 2005 Databases in full backup.
Actually we use Arcserve with a database Agent for Exchange and SQL.

Is it possible, that Veeam Backup 3.1 does a backup which works like a backup agent, means that the database (EXC odr SQl) recognizes that the a full backup did run? (Resetting Transaction logs etc.)

Sorry for my misunderstanding, -need Help for database backup scenarios.

best reghards

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Re: Backup and Restore of a Domain Controller & Exchange 2003

Post by Gostev »

Luckas wrote:Is it possible, that Veeam Backup 3.1 does a backup which works like a backup agent, means that the database (EXC odr SQl) recognizes that the a full backup did run? (Resetting Transaction logs etc.)
Helmut, this actually happens during VSS freeze, including log processing.

As for the tech brief paper, you can obtain from our support If you are our customer.
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Re: Backup and Restore of a Domain Controller & Exchange 2003

Post by Luckas »

Gostev wrote: Helmut, this actually happens during VSS freeze, including log processing.

As for the tech brief paper, you can obtain from our support If you are our customer.
Hi Gostev,

thanks for your reply, i found some more info i another post from you.

and, --- we are a veeam partner.....

in aother post support said that they have no exchange white paper, but you said you have this.
Thats my i asked you :D

can you please send it to me (Much thanks to you)

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Re: Backup and Restore of a Domain Controller & Exchange 2003

Post by Luckas »


please check my last posting, please provide this document to me.

thanks in advance

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Re: Backup and Restore of a Domain Controller & Exchange 2003

Post by Gostev »

Hi Helmut, please contact our support to get this document. Thank you!
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