I have the message below or similar appearing on several backup jobs, these are backup jobs where I deleted all or some of the existing VM backups from disk (don't ask).
14/05/2024 12:17:34 :: Failed to commit catalog transaction "E:\VBRCatalog\Publications\Upload\1b2e8d28-c824-41fb-b006-7d1053c5ad4d".
Failed to update catalog manager with the data published in the folder "E:\VBRCatalog\Publications\Upload\1b2e8d28-c824-41fb-b006-7d1053c5ad4d".
Proxy [UploadAndMonitoring]: unable to call method. All attempts have failed
Cannot create or load meta-file "E:\VBRCatalog\Publications\Upload\1b2e8d28-c824-41fb-b006-7d1053c5ad4d\PubCommands.txt". Open mode: EMtfLoad
File "E:\VBRCatalog\Publications\Upload\1b2e8d28-c824-41fb-b006-7d1053c5ad4d\PubCommands.txt" does not exist.
The message is indeed correct, the file "E:\VBRCatalog\Publications\Upload\1b2e8d28-c824-41fb-b006-7d1053c5ad4d\PubCommands.txt" does not exist. The folder E:\VBRCatalog\Publications\Upload exists but it empty.
I suppose I could delete the jobs and start again if I must, but although many of tyhe backups are junk some are worth keeping.
Sounds like a technical issue, so please open a Support Case as is noted when creating a new forum topic.Without a case number your post may be deleted.
The behavior here does not seem expected if you just were removing backups from the Veeam Backup and Replication Console, so it's best to let Veeam Support review the situation and advise remediation steps.
Be sure to include logs for Support, and please elaborate in your case on the clean up process you performed prior to the warnings appearing (please be specific on how the old backups were deleted, i.e., from the Veeam UI or manually from the repository itself, and what specifically was deleted)
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst
Thank you for that - I've edited your post to include the case number (previously you had what looked like your support ID, cases right now always start with 07*)
I can see Veeam Support has already responded on the case with some initial steps for you, so at your convenience, please let us know the results.
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst
I received the following response which looks helpful and definitive but when I logged on to the server to implement it the issue had somehow fixed itself!
Many thanks Mamadou and David.
The warning seems to be caused by the file no longer existing (…PubCommands.txt" does not exist) :
Failed to commit catalog transaction "E:\VBRCatalog\Publications\Upload\ad4f3f6b-0dc2-4bd1-bfae-e068fbea4efb".Failed to update catalog manager with the data published in the folder "E:\VBRCatalog\Publications\Upload\ad4f3f6b-0dc2-4bd1-bfae-e068fbea4efb".Proxy [UploadAndMonitoring]: unable to call method. All attempts have failedCannot create or load meta-file "E:\VBRCatalog\Publications\Upload\ad4f3f6b-0dc2-4bd1-bfae-e068fbea4efb\PubCommands.txt". Open mode: EMtfLoadFile "E:\VBRCatalog\Publications\Upload\ad4f3f6b-0dc2-4bd1-bfae-e068fbea4efb\PubCommands.txt" does not exist.
Please cut and paste somewhere else, the GuestIndexAnalyzeState.xml file located in the VBRCatalog folder and let it recreate a new one; that should correct the warning.
For more details, please review:
- How Guest Indexing Data Scan Works (GuestIndexAnalyzeState.xml) - https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... 22&ver=120
- Find VBRCatalog Folder Path - https://www.veeam.com/kb1453
Glad to hear it resolved even without the steps. I removed a bit of the answer from Veeam Support just for clarity's sake, but thank you for your willingness to share
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst