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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by Regnor »

@pirx: Thanks for opening a case for this issue; I'm also seeing it (again) in some environments.
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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by Moebius »

Same here.
The problem still persists on the latest build ( P20211211), on a freshly installed B&R server.
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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by veremin »

Any chance you've reached our support team on that? The more information they collect regarding the issue, the better. Thanks!
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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by Gostev » 1 person likes this post

From what I heard, the issue affects particular views only? In which case, it's quite important that all occurrences are reported. The corresponding bugs will then be linked to support cases, which ensures this specific issue is addressed.
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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by Regnor »

I've asked one of our customers to open a case last week; #05310979.
In this case the 'ghost' job was displayed under Home, Last 24 hours in the running view.
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[MERGED]Veeam B&R GUI displays some old and finished jobs under Running

Post by sasilik »

Lately I have noticed that Veeam B&R GUI displays some old and finished jobs under Running. At first I did not understand why they are there and how do get rid of them and I rebooted server at some point. They were gone after that. But today I just refreshed the view and they were also gone. Veeam is P20220302 . Is this some GUI bug and has anyone also noticed that or is it just me.
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Re: Veeam B&R GUI displays some old and finished jobs under Running

Post by Mildur »

Hi Markko

Yes, it‘s a know issue. See more about it in this topic.
As you already found out, you don‘t have to reboot. Using F5 will refresh the view.
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Re: Veeam B&R GUI displays some old and finished jobs under Running

Post by sasilik » 1 person likes this post

Thank you for the topic reference. I guess I am also going to open the ticket about this issue then.
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Re: Veeam B&R GUI displays some old and finished jobs under Running

Post by Mildur »

Thanks, that will help us. 👍
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Re: Veeam B&R GUI displays some old and finished jobs under Running

Post by HiHoItsOffToWorkWeGo »

I've noticed the problem seems to occur less or not at all if one runs the console elevated.
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Re: Veeam B&R GUI displays some old and finished jobs under Running

Post by sasilik »

We don't have UAC enabled on server and task manager shows that console is elevated.
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Re: Veeam B&R GUI displays some old and finished jobs under Running

Post by Grime121 »

I’ve noticed the same issue, I think going all the way back to when v11 was first released. It’s not a huge problem, so I haven’t bothered opening a ticket, or anything.
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Re: Veeam B&R GUI displays some old and finished jobs under Running

Post by NickKulkarni »

This appears to be a known issue I raised a ticket on it and got the following reply

Case #05363858 — Running Jobs shows multiple jobs when only one is in fact running.

From: Veeam Support []
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 2:40 PM
To: Nick M. Kulkarni
Subject: Running Jobs shows multiple jobs when only one is in fact running. - Case # 05363858 [ ref:_00D30RWR._5007V1wMJP7:ref ]


Thank you for contacting Veeam Technical Support. My name is Catalin and I will assist you with your case.

Currently, there is a known issue planned to be solved in a future version with the Running Section view showing multiple Backup Jobs that in fact are finished.
The simple workaround is to press "F5" button in order to refresh the view.

Can you please tell me if this workaround works for you?

Best Regards,
Catalin Marinescu
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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by NickKulkarni »

Known issue it seems I opened a case
Case # 05363858

Got this reply.

From: Veeam Support []
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 2:40 PM
To: Nick M. Kulkarni
Subject: Running Jobs shows multiple jobs when only one is in fact running. - Case # 05363858 [ ref:_00D30RWR._5007V1wMJP7:ref ]


Thank you for contacting Veeam Technical Support. My name is Catalin and I will assist you with your case.

Currently, there is a known issue planned to be solved in a future version with the Running Section view showing multiple Backup Jobs that in fact are finished.
The simple workaround is to press "F5" button in order to refresh the view.

Can you please tell me if this workaround works for you?

Best Regards,
Catalin Marinescu
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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by Mildur »

Yes, it's a known issue. I move your comments to this topic.

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[MERGED] Running Jobs View Under the Last 24 Hours section of the UI shows duplicate entries

Post by HJAdams123 »

Hello and Good Day Veeam Community...

Anyone notice in Veeam Backup and Replication, when you expand the Last 24 hours node and highlight 'Running', and jobs running like transaction log sessions are showing duplicated? You can hit F5 in that section of the UI, and the dupes go away. But later as sessions end and new ones start, the entries are duplicated again. Also, it seems if there is a failure in your SQL transaction jobs, and they show duplicated, you will also get two emails. Anyone else seeing this? Veeam B&R v11 with the March 2022 Cumulative Update...
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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by HannesK »

Anyone else seeing this
not exactly the same as far as I see, but for similar answers see above.

For the failed SQL transaction logs: please contact support and post the case number for reference.

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[MERGED]GUI bug/glith

Post by exclusief »

Pretty sure this is not isolated to vSphere but I had to post this somewhere.

Build: 11.01.1261.

Issue: When viewing the 'running' tab under 'last 24 hours' it will display incorrect information like jobs that are already done and jobs from days or weeks ago.

Example: In the image below, only the top two jobs are actually active.

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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by Mildur » 1 person likes this post

It's a known issue, please see the comments in this topic.
You can use F5 to refresh the view.
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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by exclusief »

F5 does indeed work.
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[MERGED] Running Jobs list doesn't update automatically

Post by BackupBytesTim »

Each day when I open the Backup and Replication Console and look at the Running jobs list, the little number on the side bar to indicate the number of currently running jobs seems to be accurate, however when I actually click it and look at the list, the list shows a whole lot more than is actually running.
A colleague informed me that I can press F5 to refresh the list, which seems to fix it right then, however over time it becomes cluttered and inaccurate again, mostly from completed jobs not being removed from the view.

When I "refresh" the list, what exactly is that doing? I'm confused as to how the information is wrong the moment I open the console as I would expect it to retrieve up to date information from the server at that time, which it seems to not do. However pressing F5 seems to update the information displayed, I assume by retrieving new information from the server. But this confuses me more as then I don't understand why the information displayed is so horribly wrong when I first open it, I would expect it to at least show what was displayed at the time I closed the Console the day before, however it seems to have collected information when it wasn't open, information that isn't accurate.
Is this expected behavior? If not, is anyone else having this issue or should I open a support case to get it resolved?

Also, I don't know how my colleague came to know about pressing F5 to refresh the list, but I can't see a button anywhere that I can click on the window to refresh it, nor do I see anything that says F5 refreshes the list, which seems very poorly designed since manually refreshing the list is required, unless my case of it being required is actually because something is broken and it's not intentional.

In case it's relevant I'm using console version
Also small feature request, I eventually figured it out, but the popup that shows "About" information for the Console, has no close button. Naturally I assumed like most popups that clicking anywhere off the popup would close it when I couldn't see an actual "close" or "X" button, the behavior of clicking anywhere on the popup that isn't a button to close it seems like another poor design that is not intuitive or user-friendly.
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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by HannesK »

I merged your question to the existing thread. That's probably where your colleague knows it from. Or he might be SQL admin that uses SQL management studio where F5 is also the ways to refresh everything every time something changed (same for Windows Explorer to some extent).

Agree, a refresh button makes sense. I will discuss with my colleagues.

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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by mcz »

Hi everyone,

I'm running the latest version of v12 and I still do see this bug where the jobs are only refreshed or cleared once you have pressed F5...

Has anyone else seen it and should it have been fixed in the current v12 version? Thanks!
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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by HannesK »

yes, F5 is still needed in V12 for an up-to-date view.

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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by BackupBytesTim »

It is the same for me, my understanding was that was intentional. Not a bug. Though since the console displays inaccurate information when it's first opened, doesn't even get up to date info on launch, which seems really weird since I can't tell what information it's displaying, it does feel like a bug since it basically renders the console's view of running jobs useless until you press the button, which isn't indicated anywhere on the screen.

Slightly off topic, but as I mentioned, when I open the console it loads with inaccurate information, but it's not displaying the information from when it was last closed. Could we get some sort of a technical explanation for where that information comes from and what pressing F5 does?

My normal assumption would be that opening the console would load fresh information from the server, same as what I imagine happens when you press F5. But the actual behavior seems more like, when you open the console it loads the information from the server, but the server just sends it from some sort of cache that isn't updated regularly, which is why the console displays inaccurate information when it first opens, and pressing F5 tells the server to update the cache and send new information to the console, which then results in new and accurate information being displayed.
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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by Gostev »

It's definitely not intentional. It was never a problem, then V11 introduced this due to a massive redesign with the goal to increase scalability and reduce configuration database load. The issue was fixed in most places with V11 hotfixes and it was supposed to be finally resolved completely in V12, but may be something is still missing or there are new regressions due to other V12 changes. I pointed the UI dev lead to this thread and he would love some specifics to work against. @HannesK do you have this easily reproducible in your lab?
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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by BackupBytesTim »

If it helps any I can certainly collect relevant logs to upload in a support case if desired, but I'd need direction as to which logs are desired.
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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by pirx »

Last feedback I got was also that it is intentional as a permanent refresh would put too much load on DB....
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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by mcz »

Anton & Hannes, have you got any news on that?
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Re: delayed VBR Console refresh

Post by Gostev »

Eventually Hannes managed to reproduce a similar issue in his own lab so devs are currently fixing that particular bug. Once the hotfix is ready, let's see if it also helps you, and if not - then we will collect logs. It's quite painful because these sort of issues require enabling verbose logging, which generates massive amount of logs. This is also why we didn't just ask everyone affected to upload regular logs as we usually do.
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