Error: Unfreeze error (over VIX): [Backup job failed.
Cannot create a shadow copy of the volumes containing writer's data.
A VSS critical writer has failed. Writer name: [SqlServerWriter]. Class ID: [{a65faa63-5ea8-4ebc-9dbd-a0c4db26912a}]. Instance ID: [{1658c0bc-9342-4a83-b303-daaf5bbc1768}]. Writer's state: [VSS_WS_FAILED_AT_PREPARE_SNAPSHOT]. Error code: [0x800423f4].]
I've applied the update1 to see if this will fix the issue but no luck. I've got the job logged with support but only seem to be getting 1 email a day from them and haven't had a backup of the server for nearly 2 weeks now.
I've had a search on the forum and a couple of people mentioned about some .dll files that fixed the issue when they were using Veeam 8 - is that still relevant??
Thanks for the reply. I've checked the VSSadmin list and reset them all so they are reporting back as Stable and No error but when the job runs the sqlServerWriter comes back with an un-retryable error.
I also have the 'WMI Writer' 'IIS Config Writer' and 'IIS Metabase Writer' coming back as waiting for completion but showing no errors.