All in all V12 runs smoothly - but there were a lot of workaround needed:
Slow BCJ performance on BCJ with a lot of VMs. Case 06232794
- Status: Workaround available.
- For BCJ using V11 chains switching between job objects is very slow. This can be fixed by upgrading backup chains to V12 format (both source & target).
Very slow tape object scanning for upgraded chains. Was investigated within the case 06252634
- Status: Will be fixed on V12.1, (bad) Workaround available.
- After upgrading our backup chains to V12 format it takes 1-2 Minutes for the needed backup files to be detected at the start of a tape job. With thousands of VMs this can be an issue as the writing to tape starts after the scan is complete. Veeam cannot provide a patch for V12 but told me it will be fixed in V12.1. A manual start of an active full tape backup does not show this behavior and can be a valid workaround – which still brings problems like no way to retry after a backup failure. For us this would have been a "breaking change"

Background retention job blocks/fails backups. Case 06264521
- Status: Hotfix available, Workaround available, optimization planned for V12.1 .
- The background retention job can block primary backups. These Backups might fail/need retry. A hotfix is available (reference case 02476388) which changes the priority of the retention job. Another workaround is to disable the background retention altogether (which we did) via a registry setting (SystemRetentionDisable). Further optimization limiting background retention to Orphaned backups might be implemented in V12.1 (not yet certain from what I understand).
General interface slowness, especially when trying to restore Objects. Case 06252634
- Status: Hotfix available, will be fixed in V12.1
- A fix for slow console is available, but we did not test this yet. Reference case 06252634.
“Corrupted” restore Points when backing up templates that have incremental backups and “Exclude templates from incremental backup” on after chains have been upgraded Case 06258440
- Status: Workaround available, will be fixed in “further Versions”
- The per-VM V12 metadata seems to get corrupted when a template gets changed (converted to VM and back) and thus job finds an incremental backup when trying to create a synthetic backup. This causes the backup job to fail and display a corruption message. In fact, the backup points are not corrupted (verified by heath check and validator). By disabling “Exclude templates from incremental backup” in the job excludes ( ... ml?ver=120) this is fixed.
Primary backup jobs fail tape jobs Case 06298510
- Status: Workaround available
- V12 tape jobs can be blocked/failed by primary backup jobs, even with periodic synthetic backups enabled. This can be fixed by setting “TapeBackupLocksResolution“ to 0 in registry (see tape-f29/tapes-fail-when-primary-backup ... 89466.html). This can happen for non-upgraded and upgraded chains!
Command line tools like “Veeam.Backup.Manager.exe -SHOWPROXYUSAGES” do no longer work with MFA enabled. Case 06233911
- Status: Documentation updated
- When using command line tools MFA must be temporarily disabled for the user running the tools.
V12 Job starts jobs on days no backup is scheduled when synthetic is configured for that day Case 06234650
- Status: Works as designed, Workaround available
- V12 automatically starts a backup on days which are excluded for scheduling – for us that was an issue as on days with synthetic backups we did start the jobs earlier via Powershell (to be able to start the tape GFS scan before 23:59:59 which is the last moment a GFS scan is able to run on a day). By blocking backup run at specific times of the day (the time the backup normally starts) we were able to still use the old logic.
Even if some of these bugs were very frustrating my thanks go out to Veeam support who were willing to help with each of these issues. I still hope for some fixes before V12.1 but currently we can live with all but one of these issues...