I'm pretty new to Veeam so hopefully this is just something simple Basically we upgraded our ESX servers to the latest version recently and then the Veeam backups and replications stopped working, so I've recreated the jobs but now we get the following warnings for each server in the replica job (the backup jobs work fine) :
Does this mean the replica is failing completely or is it something that can be safely ignored (though I would like to fix it) ? When I look in the datastore that the replicas go to, I can just see a file under each VM's folder named "replica.vbk" but I dont know if that is normal and if that should actually be named the server name?Finalizing target session
Register VM failed, configFile "[Datastore 2] VeeamBackup/SERVERNAME(vm-58819)/SERVERNAME.vmx", name "SERVERNAME_replica", isTemplate "False", poolRef "resgroup-44760", hostRef "host-44761", folderRef "group-v3"
The name 'SERVERNAME_replica' already exists