We have a front end and back end server for hosting our internal sharepoint 2016 solution and I have been trying to figure out why Veeam does not detect the SP farm which is why i am here.
The backend server is using SQL 2014 with the sharepoint DB's in a AAG group. I have made sure both the front end and back end servers are apart of an application aware job which has run a full active already.
I have searched your help files and the following information seems interesting
Microsoft SharePoint Server
-- The server hosting the Microsoft Sharepoint database must have the Microosft Sharepoint Service running on it.
-- The server hosting the Microsoft Sharepoint database must have the Osearch VSS writer. To check a list of vss writers on the server, use the vssadmin list writers command.
-- The Osearch VSS writer must be in the Stable/No Error state.
-- The Microsoft Sharepoint farm topology must return a value other than null.
So do you recommend me install the SP service and VSS writer on the back end server? What would be the process to do this apart from actually installing SP on this server.
Looking at the logs for the application aware job,
Code: Select all
[14.02.2017 02:09:28] <47> Info Backing up SqlInfo
[14.02.2017 02:09:28] <47> Info [OIB] Updating OIB, id '56cce04b-9dd2-479d-97c3-4418fab7ef40', hasSql 'False':'True'
[14.02.2017 02:09:28] <47> Info Backing up SharePointInfo
[14.02.2017 02:09:28] <47> Info [OIB] Updating OIB, id '56cce04b-9dd2-479d-97c3-4418fab7ef40', hasSharePoint 'False':'False'
To note i already have a support ticket open although attacking this from two angles for a quick resolution is needed.