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Tenant backup server traffic flow

Post by juan99 »

Hello all,

the cybersecurity dpartment of one of our customers is requesting more detail on the traffic flow to open the ports for Tenant backup server. we have been searching on the documentation, but we haven't found any more information apart from the one found on the ports section: ... ml?ver=120

However, we need to provide them with more information on each of the ports (6180, 22, 80 and 443) that we have requested to be opened such us:

- is traffic inbound, outbound or both?
- What kind of traffic goes through each port (there are some information about this on the table but we need more detail)
- What would happend if they do not open any of the required ports?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Have a nice day. Kind regards all,
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Re: Tenant backup server traffic flow

Post by Mildur »

Hi Juan
- is traffic inbound, outbound or both?
Traffic against Veeam Cloud Connect is always outbound from the Tenant to the Service Provider. But the Service Provider can use this from the tenant initiated connection to connect to the Tenants backup server with the Remote Console or with PowerShell. That's only possible if the Tenant allowed Remote Management when adding the Service Provider.
- What kind of traffic goes through each port (there are some information about this on the table but we need more detail)
Tenant to Service Provider --> Port 6180 - Veeam backup data, Veeam backup metadata and Veeam related Management and Monitoring traffic (if allowed, then this data will be collected and displayed in the Service Provider Console)
Tenant to internal Tenant NEA --> Port 22 - Management of the network extension appliance. Which is only used for Cloud Connect Replicas.
Tenant to Internet --> Port 80 + 443 - Querying the CRL/CA of the service providers SSL certificate.


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I will move this topic to the Service Provider subforums, where our cloud connect teams are active. They can add additional information if necessary.
Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
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