still the best way to get VMware player going in a VM? Now that I've seen virtual appliance mode, I never want to go back to physical hardware I do however still want to do Linux file level restores.
Yes, no changes with Linux FLR process or requirements.
However, instead of going with this hack, the recommended approach is to install Veeam Backup console and VMware Player on your personal physical computer/notebook instead, and use this console to perform Linux file level restores whenever necessary (just import the required backup via Import Backup toolbar button). Actual backup file will not be pulled down during "import" process, it will remain wherever it is.
This is a good tip, however I run Windows in a VM already (on Mac OS X) so unfortunately,to my knowledge, I'll run into the same issue. I think maybe we will just have to dedicate a separate piece of hardware to the task.
I set up a separate system for files level recovery and I can't seem to import any of my replicas. It always says unknown vbk format when trying to do an import. Is there a way to import replicas in Veeam 4 that I'm missing?
Unfortunately, you cannot import replicas into Veeam Backup and Replication console, only backups, that's why you such kind of error. If you've moved your replica files to another storage, you can only add those VMs to inventory using VMware (Infrastructure/vSphere) Client to start them manually.
That's really unfortunate. That essentially means that the roll-back database is useless if your Veeam server crashes. Yikes! I guess we'll have to start doing replicas and backups. Currently we were only doing replicas because it seemed like they took care of all our needs.
Yes, we have many customers who are performing replicas and backups at the same time for different purposes, and with Veeam you have both option (Backup/Replication) available in one product!