Failed to collect VMware vSphere tags data There was no endpoint listening at https://host.domainname/lookupservice/sdk that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.
I did open a ticket (04728324) but thought I would ask everyone here. Thoughts??
The issue is now resolved. Veaam One was unable to resolve the new vcenter server. Once I fixed that, I added the vcenter server to the domain. I changed the Veeam One side to access the vcenter with a new domain account and we have a winner. Everything is now green.
I did reinstall vCenter (different reason) and got the same error. There's no firewall between Veeam One and vCenter. Both VMs are running on the same host.
vCenter metric collection is fine. Veeam ONE does connect to vCenter with fqdn (DNS is fine) and is using a dedicated account from vsphere.local with Administrator role.